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Protesters camped at St Pauls

Should the protester move away from St Pauls, bearing in mind that the chur  

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  1. 1. Should the protester move away from St Pauls, bearing in mind that the chur

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Meerkats seem to have it all worked out


I agree they all have an equal share of nothing:o any society that shared the wealth equally would be a disincentive for individuals to generate wealth, it would be fairer but everyone would be poorer.

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indeed i am sure there are many good meaning protesters with ideal values, slightly warped views i grant you of a fair society, but what seems to be missed is that to have a society that works there has to be some greedy so & so s and there has to be some poor losers, why should the very rich pay more if they put more effort in??? i am sure you will say because they put no effort? but ok then they are clever then? the working man will always have his place unfortunatly for most that is at the bottom of the monetery food chain, a very few break free and make the break to join the rich.....that is the way of the world it will never ever change....i am basically a working man who runs 2 small companies, i try to do the best i can employ people fairly and make a good living , sometimes its hard like now and sometimes back in the 80s it was sooooo easy, am i moaning .....no i just get on with it....and maybe in a few years it will be good but only because i grafted not because i wanted a system to make it for me!!!!!


Captialist systems alway create winners and losers and the vast majority of people accept that. The problem is the system as it stands now is putting more and more people onto the losing side as more of the wealth and power funnels to the top. Those at the top have created a series of self-reinforcing power blocs that are increasingly squeezing everybody else out. It's destabilising our society.


Good luck with your businesses but you are in an environment where corporate power is at its greatest ever. And if you're doing something they feel they can profit from they'll destroy you and take it. Ask small shop keepers up and down the land.

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I agree they all have an equal share of nothing:o any society that shared the wealth equally would be a disincentive for individuals to generate wealth, it would be fairer but everyone would be poorer.


We've done communism already haven't we?

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Captialist systems alway create winners and losers and the vast majority of people accept that. The problem is the system as it stands now is putting more and more people onto the losing side as more of the wealth and power funnels to the top. Those at the top have created a series of self-reinforcing power blocs that are increasingly squeezing everybody else out. It's destabilising our society.


Good luck with your businesses but you are in an environment where corporate power is at its greatest ever. And if you're doing something they feel they can profit from they'll destroy you and take it. Ask small shop keepers up and down the land.

you speak as though this is all new ?? it isnt it has happend for years before maybe on a smaller scale but still happend just the same.


i am in an environment or environments that large corporates would like to and do have a majority but i am able to offer personality of service and quality that they can never offer, one of mine takes on the largest of the corporates and is mentioned in this thread and we beat them hands down on quality and service and will continue to do so but we know that we cannot take the lions share...but thats life!

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Aside from a few idealists I think you'll find that most of the protestors and indeed any sane, reasonably well adjusted person would want is a fairer



Don't you want things to be fairer? The very rich to pay a little more and share a little more and the working man to have a bigger share in the fruits of his labour?

I certainly do.


Bit sexist :D

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you speak as though this is all new ?? it isnt it has happend for years before maybe on a smaller scale but still happend just the same.


I know it's not new. Like you say it's the scale of it now. The way that politics and corporations have come together to create an environment that delivers massive advantages to large businesses basically at the expense of most of the population.

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Don't you want things to be fairer? The very rich to pay a little more and share a little more and the working man to have a bigger share in the fruits of his labour?


Fairer is not the same as fair.


I do want things to be fairer. I want everyone to have the same opportunities - the same access to education/training, health care and basic social security for when one falls on hard times. We should look after those who can't look after themselves (the disabled, the ill, the elderly and the unfortunate). But people should absolutely be encouraged to work hard, and those people who do, and are successful should be well rewarded.


I am not sure how a bunch of people sitting in a church yard helps achieve that, though.

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I do want things to be fairer. I want everyone to have the same opportunities - the same access to education/training, health care and basic social security for when one falls on hard times. We should look after those who can't look after themselves (the disabled, the ill, the elderly and the unfortunate). But people should absolutely be encouraged to work hard, and those people who do, and are successful should be well rewarded.



Apart from the bit I've put in bold, what you've said there is the reality now.

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