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Are the protests really "anti-capitalist"?

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They were very silent during the 2001-2006 era when the real working class were being shafted.


The real working class had access to seemingly unlimited credit like everybody else. Everybody could buy their shiny things.

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They were very silent during the 2001-2006 era when the real working class were being shafted.


NO doubt enjoying the champaine lifestyle, and the coffee bar ambience thate there hefty salarys gave them access to. NOt to mention, access to better areas in leafy parts of the city.


Now their cosy exsistance is under threat, they are out protesting. They backed the policies that shafted the true working class of this country


10 years too late, thats why nobody takes then seriously, but as they say "what goes around, comes around"


What a load of prejudiced trash using meaningless terms like the real working class,coffee bar ambience,leafy parts of the city etc.To make matters worse your comments are undermined by weal expression and poor spelling.

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Why havnt these "Rent a mob" protesters been booted off the land outside the church yet ?


There are obviously some laws they are breaking , like obstructing public footpaths ,loitering with intent ,etc. There will be an easy way of booting them off where they are , so why havnt the police been sent in yet. ? We cant just let these idiots pitch up where ever they want and make the place look a mess.


These fools bleat on about the big ,bad beast which is capitalism ,but you can be sure some ,if not all of them enjoy the benefits offered them by a capitalist society. Talk about double standads.


They are a joke .

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Why havnt these "Rent a mob" protesters been booted off the land outside the church yet ?


There are obviously some laws they are breaking , like obstructing public footpaths ,loitering with intent ,etc. There will be an easy way of booting them off where they are , so why havnt the police been sent in yet. ? We cant just let these idiots pitch up where ever they want and make the place look a mess.


These fools bleat on about the big ,bad beast which is capitalism ,but you can be sure some ,if not all of them enjoy the benefits offered them by a capitalist society. Talk about double standads.


They are a joke .


I believe they were given permission to be there

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What a load of prejudiced trash using meaningless terms like the real working class,coffee bar ambience,leafy parts of the city etc.To make matters worse your comments are undermined by weal expression and poor spelling.


When pulling someone up for their spelling, you've got to make sure you dont make any typo's :hihi:


What Loverat was saying in his post was absolutley spot on btw.

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The news media dubs the City protests as anti-capitalist


Louise Mensch tried to mock for being anti-capitalist (as they're being portrayed) and drinking Starbucks coffee on Have I Got News For You and the rest of them mocked her for attempting such a shallow bit of spin. It was really quite funny to watch.

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