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Are the protests really "anti-capitalist"?

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Louise Mensch tried to mock for being anti-capitalist (as they're being portrayed) and drinking Starbucks coffee on Have I Got News For You and the rest of them mocked her for attempting such a shallow bit of spin. It was really quite funny to watch.


She looks ok. She talks a bit posh. She's very articulate. But she's basically an idiot. Perfect Tory media cannon fodder.


Ripped to bits on Have I Got News For You

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When pulling someone up for their spelling, you've got to make sure you dont make any typo's :hihi:


What Loverat was saying in his post was absolutley spot on btw.


SF is unforgiving.

You have to be spot on all the time, espescially if going against the grain.

I is niver miking mustakes on hear.

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The real working class had access to seemingly unlimited credit like everybody else. Everybody could buy their shiny things.




But when your earning power went down, due to the mass influx of foregn workers doing the work for less - then it was harder, if not impossible for certain groups of people to have access to more expensive things as there earnings were reduced.


Much of these things were very much supported by the very people who are now protesting.


Tough luck I say, get the water cannons out and get rid of these human parasites.


Yes they will get a drenching, but a drenching compared to the damage that was done to the true british working class, these protesters should be cleared off as soon as possible

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But when your earning power went down, due to the mass influx of foregn workers doing the work for less - then it was harder, if not impossible for certain groups of people to have access to more expensive things as there earnings were reduced.


Much of these things were very much supported by the very people who are now protesting.


Tough luck I say, get the water cannons out and get rid of these human parasites.


Yes they will get a drenching, but a drenching compared to the damage that was done to the true british working class, these protesters should be cleared off as soon as possible


Why do you consider them to be parasites?

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In a way, the banks and big corps that have been bailed out/subsidised in the past are anti-capitalist, since they're not prepared to stand on their own two feet in the marketplace and, more importantly, FAIL when they go bust. They run to the taxpayer with their begging bowls in a desperate attempt to socialise the risk they should be bearing. That's not capitalism.


quite true, however the consequences of the banks going were bust were deemed to be severe enough for the state to intervene.


whether that was a good idea or not is something for history to decide.

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But when your earning power went down, due to the mass influx of foregn workers doing the work for less - then it was harder, if not impossible for certain groups of people to have access to more expensive things as there earnings were reduced.


No, it wasn't more difficult. The gap between declining real earnings and what was needed to buy the shiny things was filled by credit.


It was just as easy to get the shiny things but not using wages, by consumers taking on debt instead.


Governments colluded in it.

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But when your earning power went down, due to the mass influx of foregn workers doing the work for less - then it was harder, if not impossible for certain groups of people to have access to more expensive things as there earnings were reduced.


Much of these things were very much supported by the very people who are now protesting.


Tough luck I say, get the water cannons out and get rid of these human parasites.


Yes they will get a drenching, but a drenching compared to the damage that was done to the true british working class, these protesters should be cleared off as soon as possible


You sound like Sues_budgie

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