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Any girls out there wanting to start a martial art?


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i trained at the wicker camp for a couple years - very good for fitness and self defence, very friendly and competent club - i'd fully recommend it - my sister still trains there!


they do teach good technique but obviously beginners are not going to have to get it as correct as more senior boxers - you can't learn the moves perfectly right from the start, you perfect them as you practise and get better - tuition is ongoing :thumbsup:

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I never said beginners weren't taught correctly, anyone who's ever trained at Wicker Camp knows the quality of the tuition and the standards Wicker Camp has attained, no other club in Sheffield is affiliated with the World Muay Thai Council.

Even though techniques are tuaght correctly doesn't mean everyone will pick them up at the same speed and will be able to demonstrate the same level of skill, just like not everyone is trained to be or as a fighter.

I think it's very important that any person paying for a service feels comfortable with the way it is delivered and should be able to find a pace of learning that suits them.

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I know someone who runs a muay thai club in birminham,

he had someone go down there to his club who was graded to B3 .

That guy had never sparred with head contact before, didnt know how to punch properly and had loads of faults with his absolute bread and butter basics

Or do they only correct those faults higehr up?

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Freddy I don't understand, do you mean that someone from Birmingham come to Wicker Camp, or that someone from Wicker Camp went to a club in Birmingham???


We don't allow any beginners to spar to the head, whether it be a beginner1, 2 or 3, head contact is only introduced when we are confident a student has the ability to cope with head conbtact sparring.


I can't comment on why he apparently couldn't punch, or why he had 'loads of faults', or even if he was a bonafide student of Wicker Camp.

I suppose a way of thinking is that no matter who the teacher is, a student will only ever be as good as his own ability will let him be. Ramon Dekker brought several fighters to Leeds this year, and although they weren't bad Thai Boxers they were no reflection of the great man himself.


Anyhow, it doesn't deter from the FACT that Wicker Camp is the best Muay Thai Boxing gym in Sheffield and one of the best in the UK.

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He was graded to B3 from wicker camp

B3 is the THIRD grade and he had already been training for a year.

Explain that?


Why should someone not be allwoed to spar head contact for almost a year (which is what it shud take to get to intermediate level)


wicker camp is the best for

christan di paolo , lee chesters, imran khan , helen garnett and the other fighters and advanced grades.

what about the rest who think theyre at the best gym purely on the reputation of the main fighters but dont realise that the tuition their gettin is not necessarily better than any other gym.

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Well if you knew anything about our grading system you'd know that gradings take place every 3 months, which allow both students and instructors to assess if an individual is ready to advance to the next stage.

A grading system does not necessarily ensure someone is of a certain quality, just that someone has a certain knowledge, and even possesing this knowledge doesn't autopmatically provide them with the ability.


Sparring isn't allowed within the Beginner syllabus as it's deemed that without the required skills and control sparring can be quite dangerous. As a student enters the Intermediate syllabus sparring is introduced and taken at a pace that suits each individuals pace. What it takes to get to Intermediate grade (at Wicker Camp at least) is knowledge of the complete beginner syllabus, a marked improvement in both fitness and technique and a basic understanding of Muay Thai.


I'm not sure what your trying to say, did you know that the Wicker Camp instructor team is mad eup of the top Wicker Camp fighters, who better to instruct, than someone who you've just watched train, someone who has and still uses the techniques they are teaching in a ring environment and who has potentially fought all over the world and may be a World/International/British/English or Area champion.

Is a Martial Arts gym's reputation not built around it's ability to produce top class fighters (at least a gym that takes part in competition), and if these figthers then pass on their knowledge, experiance and skill to others does this not make for excellent tuition?

But like I said (as a gym that compete's) Wicker Camp is THE best Muay Thai gym in Sheffeild.

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good fighter= good trainer???

not necesarily




Hey you ever heard of Andy marlow?


Why did Waj khan, makka (lindon mcdonald) , royford and leroy all elave wicker to go to andy Marlow then if wicker was THE best?

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Your right, a good fighter doesn't necessarily mean a good instructor, an instructor needs very different skills to adapt his approach to passing on knowledge as oppose to just fighting. Thing is though, all Wicker Camp instuctors are very good and they all happen to be fighters, not has beens, or could have been or people who might be handy on the street, people with solid fighting reputations.


Can't comment on Waj, just before my time actually, as for Macca, he still s comes down to Wicker every now and again, he never left Mick Mullaney to train with Andy Marlow, he left to satrt up his own classes on the Manor I believe, although I do know of several of Andy Marlows lads that left him to train at Wicker, I taught one myself as a matter of fact, so I guess you've been a little mis-guided with your information.


Please don't go turning this into a 'my clubs better than yours' kind of arguement because there really isn't an arguement, is there ;-)

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