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Any girls out there wanting to start a martial art?


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AFK is the best kickboxing club.


All of a sudden stusonicos is an instructor? which one are you?


For your info macca did leave mick to train with andy maybe he still pops down to kepe in touch he also pops in to andys to train with him too.


Andys guys always have solid boxing skills and dont leave theyre elbows open for bein open to attacks.

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I got the impression he was an instructor quite a while ago actually :) Was starting to think you must be slightly suicidal.


Is that Daniel by any chance?


No one trains on saturdays :( Quite in the mood. Ah well, better just write yet more massive essay...

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Nope not suddenly an instructor, been instructing for Mick for about 4 years, fighting for coming up to 5 and training for 10. Don't really see the need to go telling you which instuctor I am Freddy (although Crayfish, nope it's not Dan, he does proper physical work, not sitting at a desk like me, ha ha), even if you know our instuctors or knew me it wouldn't change anything would it.


So which of OUR fighters leave their elbows open then??? Sounded like you were making some kind of comparison.

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Originally posted by Freddylee

AFK is the best kickboxing club.


All of a sudden stusonicos is an instructor? which one are you?


For your info macca did leave mick to train with andy maybe he still pops down to kepe in touch he also pops in to andys to train with him too.


Andys guys always have solid boxing skills and dont leave theyre elbows open for bein open to attacks.


I know kind of know stussonica (not from the forum or martial arts either) and i can confirm he is an intructor, a good one too.

I don't really wish to get into this debate as I know nothing about martial arts, just wanted to confirm the fact.

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