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Working at Brown Baileys


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Hi there, I remember Henry Casson. I think we started work at Brown Bayleys on the same week in 1966. I went to work in the analytical laboratory and Henry worked on the electric furnaces. One of the jobs that relatively new starters did on the furnaces was to ferry steel samples to the Lab for analysis. It was my job to analyze the samples. I got to know Henry through this and we used to chat on a regular basis. After a while when Henry wasn't so much a new lad, the job of ferrying the samples was taken on by someone else and Henry became a furnaceman. We still saw each other from time to time and always had a few words. Sadly Henry was killed in an accident at work. I remember the time very distinctly. We were on a night shift when word came down from the furnaces that there had been a serious accident. Apparently Henry was working underneath an overhead crane and as the chains were being wound back up the brake did not work for some reason and the metal block went straight over the pulley and fell onto Henry. I understand that he was killed outright. It was a massive shock to us all and there was a very eerie feeling around the works for weeks afterwards. At Henry's funeral there were half the workforce there. A very sad memory.


Yes it was the same person I was thinking of,I was on mornings after the accident. The limit had failed allowing the block to go too high snapping the wire ropes. I spent most of that shift checking other cranes fitted with the same limit switch.

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  • 6 years later...

I worked at Brown Bayley from 1961 to 1981 when it close

Started as a trainee went into office side then onto foreman in 1 mill

Finished in bar turning

Had our wedding reception at sports club up at high hazels

My father also worked there for over 40 years and my mother during the war

Would love to meet and remanice about "the good old days" 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to a funeral in Sheffield last Friday, it was for Lol Mills who worked in the Electricians dept at Brown Bayleys.

Met up with lads I haven’t seen for many years including Johnny O’ Brien, Tony Lloyd, Dave Webb and Glen Holman who were all Fitters,

Pete Taylor, who worked in wages and Alf Hobson who worked in the machine shop.

Many good stories shared at the wake!

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