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Percy Pud 10km 04/12/11


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I'm looking for a number for the percy pud 10km, I know it's early and you won't have received numbers yet but if anyone is not running now or know's someone, please let me know, need a local 10k race around that time and this is perfect.


Thanks in advance.

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Read it! It says 17th of October is closing date; earlier if limit is reached!


However, imho, the popularity of this race is waning (particularly after last year`s debacle) but the SCS`s website says it`s now full.


What happened last year? Was it postponed because of the snow or something?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi nhussa22


Thanks for the PM, I am unable to PM you back as I don't have 5 posts yet.


I don't have the number yet, as they aren't posted till after 22/11 but I am on the list of runners on the website. To transfer the number I have to send a letter to the organizer asking for my number to be switched over to you.


I have drafted the letter which the organizer needs before the 22/11 and just need your name, address and age so I can include them in the letter. Once the organizer has this information they will send everything directly to you. Can you PM me your details and I will get the letter sent off today.

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