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Can we call it a peoples revolution after outside military intervention?

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I'd be fascinated to know how our pro-gadaffi posters think they have one iota of credibility or morality?


Tell me what was wrong with Ghaddaffi.

I just dont understand this at all.

What exactly has he supposed to have done?

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Tell me what was wrong with Ghaddaffi.

I just dont understand this at all.

What exactly has he supposed to have done?


Kidnapping, torture, rape, incarceration without trial, murder. 42 years of it.

Hundreds of thousands of people. Many citizens were vociferously critical, most others were simply disgruntled, it wasn't a good idea to show your disagreement with his regime. Didn't matter to Gaddafi, he saw them all as enemies.


From the Physicians for Human Rights report on his war crimes in Misurata:


Four eyewitnesses reported that Qaddafi troops forcibly detained 107 civilians and used them as human shields to guard military munitions from NATO attacks south of Misrata. One father told PHR how Qaddafi soldiers forced his two young children to sit on a military tank and threatened, “You’ll stay here, and if NATO attacks us, you’ll die too.” Qaddafi military reportedly shielded weapons in civilian areas including markets, mosques, and schools.


PHR inspected four medical facilities and interviewed 21 Libyan medical personnel. One volunteer ambulance driver detailed his own detention and torture, as well as witnessing the summary execution of a civilian. An orthopedic surgeon reported eight separate instances where ambulances marked with the emblematic Red Crescent were attacked while medics tried to reach injured combatants on the front line. Other health workers reported targeted attacks by Qaddafi troops against medical workers, facilities, and civilian patients.


Four eyewitnesses reported that Qaddafi forces demolished a home for the elderly and abducted its 36 resident disabled, elderly, and homeless civilians. Their whereabouts remain unknown.


Official military orders provided to PHR present strong evidence that Qaddafi ordered his troops to starve civilian residents in Misrata. In addition to pillaging food stores, government forces blocked civilians from receiving humanitarian aid.


One witness reported that Qaddafi forces transformed an elementary school into a detention site where they reportedly raped women and girls as young as 14 years old. PHR also documented reports of honor killings that occurred in response to these rapes.


A 25-year-old villager recounted how Qaddafi soldiers detained him and other unarmed villagers in a semi-truck trailer, deprived them of food and water, and tortured them for days.


That's just a small sample of his recent antics. The full report is here:



There's an excellent discussion here: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3390388 the thread is currently 477 pages long. Tons of reports from the front lines, historical perspective etc. There are hundreds of links to news items from both sides.

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I have little doubt that NATO helping Libyan rebels was good thing. I also don't doubt that they did to improve relations with the rest of the middle east. Gaddaffi is dead, and although messy, overall it's a good thing.


BUT let's say it was for oil. Ambulances and fire engines don't run on fresh air. Our economy needs it and we run on an energy deficit. If it was going to secure us oil would air strikes be a bad thing ?

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So what are the real estimates? And your source?


Skins I'm not questioning the accuracy of the report rather the type of reporting


Why would BBC not give the estimated totla dead in Libya yet in every single report on Syria give the total estimated killed ?

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I'm saying that your contention that gadaffis "forces" were made up of Libyans who thought his dictatorship was super was wrong and it was right for NATO to prtect the civilians who the regime was targetting.


You on the other hand seem to be proposing that we should have left misrata to be overrun and the libyan people massacred because that would have been a "good" massacre because it was done by a despotic lunatic whereas any civilian casualties that however carefully NATO tried to avoid them that resulted from strike missions arre inherantly evil and proof of some wierd conspiracy to grind up libyas firstborns into oil.


Libya was a good result, a tyrant has gone and libyans have a chance to build a fair democratic future. What's not to like?



Your banging on about if we have averted a masscare by boming a country back to the stone age !


It's laughable !!


Use some sense Andy !


30,000 dead already !

How many at the wrong end of NATO bombs who knows as it don't get reported does it !


I am fully aware ghdaffi used mecenaries


So does America by the thousands and thousands


Billion dollar industry being a mercenaries largely thanks to the people spreading peace and freedom around the world !


Don't u think ?

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