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Can you put 'credit' on a Kindle?

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I'll promise you I can get a link to any of those books within minutes. If it's been published on Kindle, it's available free (but illegally) on the internet.

I suppose if you are going to load your Kindle with DRM-cracked ebooks, then buying them on a disc removes the inconvenient necessity of downloading them. I don't suppose *Wallace* is kicking himself too hard about having shelled out the princely sum of £3; though he might if the discs arrive loaded with marketing material and Wikipedia articles instead of Stephen King and Ian Rankin.


It's bizarre that such discs are being sold right under Ebay's nose. Two minutes on there brought up what claims to be a collection of Lonely Planet Guides, complete with the statement that: 'This item does not infringe any copyright, trade mark, other rights or any of eBay’s listing policies.'

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