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MPs Debate for Europe

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How long will this leverage take? I've heard people say we can leverage it all my life, it just gets worse and costs us more and more.


Next treaty, don't leave but opt out of everything bar customs and trade union as a condition of not vetoing. They won't have a choice.


The problem is that we never place ourselves at the heart of Europe, we are always opposing it. Blair started to buck this trend, but then he turned us into a pariah state in Europe by standing so close to Bush, and invading Iraq.


We need to get in there and divide and conquer the Eurocrats, and then we can turn the EU around.

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The problem is that we never place ourselves at the heart of Europe, we are always opposing it. Blair started to buck this trend, but then he turned us into a pariah state in Europe by standing so close to Bush, and invading Iraq.


We need to get in there and divide and conquer the Eurocrats, and then we can turn the EU around.


That's what i am proposing. Place ourselves at the heart of europe and advocate in the strongest terms that not just for britain but for all the peoples of europe the end of this "ever closer union" accompanied by "ever larger expansion" is bad for all of us. Even for eastern europe..look at the southern europeans...**** poor economies propped up by our money, now the money goes to latvia and romania so they collapse, eventually the same will happen in the east.


A very small cost efficient customs union and trade block is in all of europes interests and could conceivably be opened up to north african states wwhich embrace democracy - the current unaccountable dictatorship could most certainly not.


A large geographically and small in terms of powers europe would be a good thing - the commision are pushing for both a large europe and one with vast powers - that will never work.

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