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MPs Debate for Europe

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But if the whip is withdrawn from an MP, surely that is considered a good thing, as it leaves an MP free from being bullied or cajoled into voting the way of his party - does it not?


it also means he stands almost no chance of any sort of advancement and depending on his local party, probably no chance of selection for the following election and therefore would have to get a proper job.

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Aye, what say all the NEW LIEbour voters on the forum, the chance of a lifetime to damage the ConDems, and they all vote with the Government. Will you all vote LIEbour next time round?.



ed has done the statemanlike thing and risen above petty party politics


anyway, he's not ready for an election, which if it was held now would probably produce a similar result as the last one and might even raise the horrendous spectre of having to do a deal with the lib dems to form a government or even worse a proper tory majority

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So you'de feel happy if a future government just withdrew from the EU without bothering to hold a referendum then?


no but that still doesn't stop me feeling cuddled by our elected representitives, at least in an intellectual sense not sure if i'd want a real one from any of them though

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ed has done the statemanlike thing and risen above petty party politics


anyway, he's not ready for an election, which if it was held now would probably produce a similar result as the last one and might even raise the horrendous spectre of having to do a deal with the lib dems to form a government or even worse a proper tory majority


Ed has done the statemanlike thing and risen above party politics??? Dont you mean, that Ed didnt dare trust the electorate to have a decent debate about the EU, and has his pockets lined by big business and banks just like the Tories and hence sold us out again. As long as Ed Balls is his treasurer the party isnt fit for purpose. Balls helped Brown micro-manage our economy into a mitagating disaster.

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i'm fairly sure that the wto agreements are at the eu level, so if we were not in the eu then we would be outside the wto and so their rules would not apply. we could of course rejoin the wto as the uk and then the rules would apply again.


either way, the eu could certainly put some tarriffs on and even if they are not large tarrifs it would make it harder for our business.


of course, eu customers could petulantly decide to purchase from other eu countries in preference to the uk. i'm quite sure that some enterprising salesman man would use that as part of their pitch and indeed replacing what would be uk made products with eu made products will help to reflate the eu economy while it tanked ours.


Membership of WTO

Although the UK is a member of the WTO in its own right


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