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Eight radical solutions to the housing crisis.

Which of the solution do you favour? (Multiple choice and public poll)  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the solution do you favour? (Multiple choice and public poll)

    • Encourage elderly out of big houses
    • Freestyle planning
    • Contain population growth
    • Force landlords to sell or let empty properties
    • Ban second homes
    • Guarantee mortgage payments
    • Live with extended family
    • Build more council homes

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3, 4 and 5 look the most sensible to me. I think the 'campaigners' who have suggested no. 1 need their heads looking at - why should people who've worked hard for years, raised a family, paid off their mortgage and so on be forced to move out of their family home? It's bad enough people having to sell their homes to pay for care home fees but making them move to a smaller property just because somebody else wants a bigger house is just ridiculous.


Edit: is it only me, but I don't find some of these solutions particularly radical, e.g. 7 and 8?


You've forgotten that Chem1st is only interested in council housing, so presumably option 1 only applies to people in that type of housing.

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Re forcing people in large houses to downsize,how are the powers that be going to enforce this?


We have been trying to sell our three double bedroom house for two years without one viewing,we would love to move into a bungalow on the east coast.


How are they going to enforce 'contain population growth'?


How long must a house be empty before a landlord is forced to sell?


How does banning 2nd homes work? What if you're moving and don't want to wait for the chain?

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9. ban all religious cults that encourage people to breed like rabbits.

10 .ban children from having children ,regardless of age


11.make the religious cults ..judaism,islam,catholicism,hinduism or whatever ism it is who encourage people to have large familys ,provide houseing and medical.


How do you ban children from having children?

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How are they going to enforce 'contain population growth'?


How long must a house be empty before a landlord is forced to sell?


How does banning 2nd homes work? What if you're moving and don't want to wait for the chain?


Yeah I thought that. If a someone rents out a house and it gets totally trashed by a tenant what do they do ? Sell at a loss ? House people in an unfit house ? Chemist, god bless, him would give it some hippies or something but Im not sure that's fair.


Second home thing is easier, no probs in not waiting for chain, but I do have bigger problems with the holiday home thing. Doesn't appear to do anything apart give the owner something to brag about.

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Re forcing people in large houses to downsize,how are the powers that be going to enforce this?


We have been trying to sell our three double bedroom house for two years without one viewing,we would love to move into a bungalow on the east coast.


Its not the same if you own your house and can afford to pay for its upkeep, or even if you rent and pay for it yourself. However, there is a school of thought that people living in social housing whose rent is paid by housing benefit, should live in properties that suit their family size.


For instance, there are many 3 bedroomed council houses occupied by single people, their children may have left home, or their relationship broken down. There are also many families who desperately need decent sized properties, but who can't afford open market rents. At the moment, housing benefit covers the rent in full on a council property, regardless of how many people live there. That has stopped the natural downsizing that used to happen when people's incomes reduced.


People like my in-laws, who brought up 5 children in their council house, moved to a 2 bedroomed flat when they were on their own. Cheaper rent, cheaper heating costs, it made sense. Nowadays, unless you are entirely responsible for paying your own rent (working/company pension etc) there is no incentive for council tenants to downsize. But the changes to benefits means there probably will be in the future.

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Can you add an option: "Make long-term benefit claimants live in small rooms in large hostel complexes rather than paying for them to have houses or flats".


And just who will build and fund these, as yet, none existent large hostel properties?


Some private rents for just a small bedsit or room are far higher than many social rents for a flat so no one will be better off.


What is needed is lots more affordable social housing.

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And just who will build and fund these, as yet, none existent large hostel properties?


Some private rents for just a small bedsit or room are far higher than many social rents for a flat so no one will be better off.


What is needed is lots more affordable social housing.


The ideas a silly one obviously. But you must have missed the bit about 'long term benefits claimants', how would 'affordable' make any difference to someone with no income except charity?

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