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Eight radical solutions to the housing crisis.

Which of the solution do you favour? (Multiple choice and public poll)  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the solution do you favour? (Multiple choice and public poll)

    • Encourage elderly out of big houses
    • Freestyle planning
    • Contain population growth
    • Force landlords to sell or let empty properties
    • Ban second homes
    • Guarantee mortgage payments
    • Live with extended family
    • Build more council homes

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Re forcing people in large houses to downsize,how are the powers that be going to enforce this?


We have been trying to sell our three double bedroom house for two years without one viewing,we would love to move into a bungalow on the east coast.


Property taxes.


Have you tried reducing the price by £1000 per week until it sells?

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The ideas a silly one obviously. But you must have missed the bit about 'long term benefits claimants', how would 'affordable' make any difference to someone with no income except charity?


You seemed to have missed the bit about funding the building of the hostels in the first place as someone will have to pay for them. I didn't say that affordable would make a difference. :huh:


Plus benefit claimants, as you already know, don't get charity they get benefits and may not get enough housing benefit to cover full rent costs. :)

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we could put all the homeless people in chem's front room


My front room isn't big enough. Realistically you wouldn't fit more than 6-8. Two per settee, 2 on the floor and 2 in the bed. Perhaps another 6 in the bedroom, 2 in the boxroom and 12 in the attic. And that's assuming I've no guests and remove excess furniture.


At the end of the day, we should be building council housing to meet demand. Instead the powers that be have foolishly been demolishing it.

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You've forgotten that Chem1st is only interested in council housing, so presumably option 1 only applies to people in that type of housing.


That's incorrect. However I'm currently more interested in council housing that private housing.


There are a lot of problems in the private sector, many of them similar to the social sector.


There isn't enough.

They aren't affordable.

Space standards are shocking.

Overcrowding is rife.

Tenants don't have enough rights.

Housing benefit pushes up prices and allows people to get rich without doing anything productive and at the expense of wider society.

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Where are all these families suddenly coming from?


Lots of working families are renting in the private sector in Sheffield as else where. For many the costs are more than a mortgage on a similar property at current interest rates, but they may not qualify on income for a mortgage.


The lower rent they'd pay for a council house would benefit their families, and might even enable them to save for a deposit to buy . As it is they are trapped in a high rent situation with little chance of social housing or owner occupation.

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Why dont we just ban private housing altogether. This could be the only truely fair option. There would be no arguments over us taxpayers subsidising cheap rents as we would reap the benefits too and people like Chem1st would be happy as there would be a state sponsored roof for everyone in the country.


I mean what could possibly go wrong.... That's would be wonderful wouldn't it......A little Sheffield Homes Communist Society.


Dwellings would be allocated to you by the council, repaired and maintained by the council, built and knocked down by the council who could move you around when they saw fit or when supply and demand changed because it would never be your home to argue over,


they could maintain them to whatever good or bad standard they like because there would be no alternatives, they could charge what they wanted because they would be no alternatives and surely no ghettos would develop because everyone would be in the same boat....... a new community for a new generation...... streets in the sky bringing communities together.... A completely mixed and diverse society all living on the same street or in the same block. What could possibly go wrong??


God I hope I go to meet my maker before that ever happened.

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9. ban all religious cults that encourage people to breed like rabbits.

10 .ban children from having children ,regardless of age


11.make the religious cults ..judaism,islam,catholicism,hinduism or whatever ism it is who encourage people to have large familys ,provide houseing and medical.


12. Send John Cocker back to school.

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