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Eight radical solutions to the housing crisis.

Which of the solution do you favour? (Multiple choice and public poll)  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the solution do you favour? (Multiple choice and public poll)

    • Encourage elderly out of big houses
    • Freestyle planning
    • Contain population growth
    • Force landlords to sell or let empty properties
    • Ban second homes
    • Guarantee mortgage payments
    • Live with extended family
    • Build more council homes

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It's not charity, you pay into the system, the system pays out. Maybe you need to read up on the history of the whole system. Benefits have been around for 100 years +


Hell the dole in 1931 after the cut from 18s to 15s3d, would be equivalent to £200 today adjusted for GDP PPP inflation.


If the state removes benefits it will soon cease to exist and a new state shall replace it. People will contribute into a communal pot that pays out to it's members.


Charity can be withdrawn in an instant just because the giver feels like it, benefits cannot.


The opposite of voluntary is compulsory, do you think that something compels the state to give out benefits beyond it's own choice? (As a choice to do something isn't a compulsion is it).

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The opposite of voluntary is compulsory, do you think that something compels the state to give out benefits beyond it's own choice? (As a choice to do something isn't a compulsion is it).


Is tax paid unto the state paid voluntarily?


People may have voluntarily paid into unions and later the state to provide unemployment insurance in the past, but it was for personal insurance.

It's wasn't charity.

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Is tax paid unto the state paid voluntarily?

No, that's compelled under threat of prison ultimately. It's not a personal rule that you'll pay tax that you could just choose to change is it!

People may have voluntarily paid into unions and later the state to provide unemployment insurance in the past, but it was for personal insurance.

It's wasn't charity.

What's unemployment insurance got to do with anything? Nobody pays any kind of voluntary insurance premium to the government at the moment do they.

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there you go with your lower middle class angst again:hihi:

untill some political party as got the guts to take on the major religions who encourage people to breed like rats and pay them for it you'll always have a houseing crisis .


that includes your lot the chosen ones.


you know the ones who wake up every morning and say "thank you god for not making me a woman":hihi:


It must be nice to live in the bubble you inhabit. Perhaps you should learn basic english before you berate others.

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You'd best point me to the rule that says I have to read and have an opinion on every post.


Seriously Prospective, you are wrong. Foreign aid might sometimes stick in the craw but there is no direct correlation between it and local housing provision.


I'm beginning to wonder if you have an agenda that is as yet unspoken. Does 'localism' only work for white people for you?


Tax Money is Tax Money.


FOREIGN Aid is really Bribe money.


attempting to call me a racist is stupid


In fact assuming localism can only include one race is :loopy:

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