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Walter wragg ltd or wraggs of sheffield any ex employees

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of course ian gedees was a salesman so was jack woods who opened a shop in wilf greens premises alan watson had a gold star and when it rained it was hard to start due to water getting into the carb via the big bellmouth so he put a 5 gallon drum top the old type that you just pressed the midle and the top came of well he was in a hurry one night and forgot the cardboard insert was sucked into the cylinder and jamming between the valves he had to remove the head to clear it happy times also alan inthe workshop and ted both had road rockets alan was marries to dot strafford

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Hello Black Eyes, yes that is my cousin Ray, he moved down to Norfolk in the 1980s to work for his son-in-law and has remained down there ever since, he and his wife are now both in there eighties but Ray is still keeping well physically although he has a bit of a short-term memory problem, Brenda suffers from M.E but is otherwise ok, they both came up to Sheffield in the summer to stay with my brother and my wife and I have visited them regularly over the years. Sadly they lost there only daughter to breast

cancer in 1990 and afterwards cared for there 3 grandchildren for some years. He was always motorbike daft.

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