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European Union rename Easter - what next!!

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Yes, except that Pâques is plural.

It derives, as do 'paschal' and the name 'Pascal', from the Hebrew word 'Pesach' [= Passover].

Whereas 'Easter' derives from 'Aestas', the Roman Goddess of summer.

Mr Shaw.How dare you bring knowledge onto this Forum.Wash your inbox out.

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And I bet the DM didn't write it - I bet they wee taken in (or just didn't care)


no they didn't, I made it up in an attempt to demonstrate the ludicrous, racist , little englander posts we have to put up with day after day (see 'xmas renamed 'the holidays'' thread' -it isn't it's called christmas) the post was deliberately and opaquely stupid but still generated discussion, why would the french want to call easter 'eggy time' they don't even call easter 'easter, that's a germanic / celtic name from Aeostre, the goddess of spring.


hey ho

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