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A bit puzzled about sheffield forum

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Prefect made the assertion, so technically he's the one that needs to back it up.


The fact is that we don't have any evidence as to why they don't post, so it's all supposition and none us will be able to back it up. So stating something as if it were an obvious answer is likely to get you called out as posting nonsense...

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Prefect made the assertion, so technically he's the one that needs to back it up.


The fact is that we don't have any evidence as to why they don't post, so it's all supposition and none us will be able to back it up. So stating something as if it were an obvious answer is likely to get you called out as posting nonsense...


You know, it's so funny, yet another one calling my post nonsense when in fact if you read it properly there is absolutely nothing wrong with what I wrote.

I said "some posters" and I stand by that. Some people that I know personally will not post on some threads because of the reason I have stated. Some also say that it is a waste of time posting, even if they really want to because there are certain members that congregate round threads of certain subjects that quickly take the thread to argument and remove it from any resemblance of the topic it started out as.

So, back to your "nonsense" thing...

As I say, I wrote "some" and yes I do know "some" and I have given their reasons.

Halibut wrote "most" now, I don't think for one minute that there is anyone on here that knows "most" of the members, therefore I also find it hard to believe that he knows the reason why they don't post.


Now, that is NONSENSE!

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I didn't call it nonsense, as you'd see if you'd read my post properly.


You did write some, but that was with reference to the 'attacking'.


Some posters can't help attacking others


You didn't qualify how many you thought this stopped posting.


This, I am sure stops them from posting.

Just 'them'.


I expect you're right in that it stops some people from posting. Although it'd be very difficult to prove.


I only know a few other posters, and if they were ones who didn't post then that reduces the number to 1. She doesn't post because she's just not interested.


It's nonsense for any of us to claim that we know why most silent members don't post, we all agree on that.

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No problem, I hadn't actually analysed your post closely until I went back to read it. It could have said "that's why some people don't post" and then I'd have been wrong.


The problem with communicating like this is that we loose all the normal body language interaction of a communication and have to rely on what words are written. I've posted sometimes and when forced to go back and reread it (due to someone else questioning it) realised that my words didn't actually say what I meant.

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The problem with communicating like this is that we loose all the normal body language interaction of a communication and have to rely on what words are written. I've posted sometimes and when forced to go back and reread it (due to someone else questioning it) realised that my words didn't actually say what I meant.

Why are you loose? Yes; best to re-read before posting!

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No problem, I hadn't actually analysed your post closely until I went back to read it. It could have said "that's why some people don't post" and then I'd have been wrong.


The problem with communicating like this is that we loose all the normal body language interaction of a communication and have to rely on what words are written. I've posted sometimes and when forced to go back and reread it (due to someone else questioning it) realised that my words didn't actually say what I meant.


I apologise again,this time for my English, or lack of it.

I did write "them" because I was inferring to "some" people I know, maybe I didn't come across as clear as I meant to but in answer to your editted post, I didn't write he/she because it was in relation to those/them/some/numerous.

I never intended to answer for "everyone" that doesn't reply, I didn't think anyone would take it so literal in thinking I was inferring that my reason was for every single member of the forum.

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How can you be intimidated by a computor screen, with writing on it that could have been written by anybody, nutter or genius. Who gives a rats bum what's written.






Couldn't agree more with this - if you have an opinion you are entitled to have it irrespective of what anyone else thinks and just because someone disagrees with you (politely, rudely, arrogantly or aggressively) shouldn't put you off having your opinion and stating it if you want to


I don't knowingly know anyone on here and I don't know that anyone knows me but I wouldn't mind either way as I don't really care what other people think about my opinions - they're mine and I'm entitled to them!


Unless, of course, you think differently

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