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Could all life be alien to this planet?

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I haven't actually claimed that either of the two could exist without a creator. What I said is- 'the "no cause" theory is no more plausible than the creationist argument'.


I can't comprehend the cause of either of them, which has been my position all along.


So you believe in an entity but don't believe it is the creator.

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i would love to believe in a creator, but then its the old argument, why does it, him, her, allow all the horrible suffering in the world?. and dont give me a religious explanation, about they will get their reward in heaven. like 20 virgins waiting for them. ha i wish!!. no when your gone, your gone. your carbon molecules with forever be recycled by the cosmos, but your soul? no that does not exist.

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The second variant becomes unnecessary only when you accept that all of creation must have sprang into existence without cause or reason.


It becomes unnecessary the moment you accept that something can exist without cause. Otherwise you are guilty of special pleading - case three.

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Are we talking mountains that think and trees that have aspirations, a sky that gets angry and seas with bipolar disorder?


That kind of idea?


No. Having done a little research, I'd describe what I feel as pantheism. (Dualist)

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