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Could all life be alien to this planet?

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If something exists and it cannot be described in terms of one or more of the five senses, then it is part of the metaphysical plane. Nothing exists on the physical plane and the universe contains vast amounts of it, you can’t touch, taste, smell, see or hear it, so nothing is also part of the metaphysical plane so can be infinite.


Infinity describes a thing as having no end, no limit, no boundary or edge; if the universe isn’t infinite then it as a boundary or edge, if something hits this boundary or edge and crosses it, it would cease to exist. The universe contains everything that exists so there can be no existence outside even nothing can’t exist outside the universe but nothing can be infinite.




Time exists on physical plane and must also exist on a metaphysical plane so can also be infinite.

The only problem that I have with that is that the "nothing", is, right now, has we speak, (type) having an adverse affect on the physical plane.


(It's expanding!!!)

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The only problem that I have with that is that the "nothing", is, right now, has we speak, (type) having an adverse affect on the physical plane.


(It's expanding!!!)


That’s the beauty of an infinite universe it can expand forever without getting larger by adding nothing. It can just as easily Contract forever by taking nothing away, the universe as the same matter now has always, only nothing has changed.

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An infinite universe as no end, no limit, no boundary or edge so wouldn’t expand into anything.

Adding more empty space (nothing) to infinity doesn't make more infinity.

Did the singularity (big bang) still occur in your theory, or has the universe always been in a perpetual state of expansion. i.e., Never in a state of contraction.
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Did the singularity (big bang) still occur in your theory, or has the universe always been in a perpetual state of expansion. i.e., Never in a state of contraction.


The big bang refers to the expansion, not an explosion from a single point. The entire universe expanded at the same time. In my opinion it as probably expanded and contracted indefinitely.

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The big bang refers to the expansion, not an explosion from a single point. The entire universe expanded at the same time. In my opinion it as probably expanded and contracted indefinitely.


You're only half right according to the vast majority of theorists. You're right in respect to the big bang not being an actual explosion as the name so often leads people to believe, but an expansion of matter, however, the big bang theory theorists are still insisting that the expansion did originate from a single point in nowhere; generally referred to as 'the singularity'.

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You're only half right according to the vast majority of theorists. You're right in respect to the big bang not being an actual explosion as the name so often leads people to believe, but an expansion of matter, however, the big bang theory theorists are still insisting that the expansion did originate from a single point in nowhere; generally referred to as 'the singularity'.


Whether it’s a single point the size of a pin head or infinite matter of infinite density depends on the total amount of matter and its distribution in the universe.

If all the matter that exists is visible from here then it’s likely a single point.

If what we can see goes on infinitely and is equally distrusted, then it’s likely an infinite mass of infinite density.

I prefer to think in terms of infinite mass spread unequally with each collection of mass contracting and expanding from an infinite amount of very small single points in infinite space. Think about how the galaxies are spaced in the visible universe, and then imagine that each galaxy is the visible universe expanding from a single point. Now we have lots of single points expanding and contracting each independent of the other.


Another way to look at it, think of the sun as being the nucleus of an atom with the electrons being the orbiting planets, so each atom is a solar system. A collection of atoms becomes a galaxy, keep spreading out and the earth is the visible universe, the moon, sun and planets would be other universes. Our solar system is a collection of universes and just keep going. Because we have defined the universe as everything that exists all these different universes are still the universe.

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Whether it’s a single point the size of a pin head or infinite matter of infinite density depends on the total amount of matter and its distribution in the universe.

If all the matter that exists is visible from here then it’s likely a single point.

If what we can see goes on infinitely and is equally distrusted, then it’s likely an infinite mass of infinite density.

I prefer to think in terms of infinite mass spread unequally with each collection of mass contracting and expanding from an infinite amount of very small single points in infinite space. Think about how the galaxies are spaced in the visible universe, and then imagine that each galaxy is the visible universe expanding from a single point. Now we have lots of single points expanding and contracting each independent of the other.


Another way to look at it, think of the sun as being the nucleus of an atom with the electrons being the orbiting planets, so each atom is a solar system. A collection of atoms becomes a galaxy, keep spreading out and the earth is the visible universe, the moon, sun and planets would be other universes. Our solar system is a collection of universes and just keep going. Because we have defined the universe as everything that exists all these different universes are still the universe.

But it's the stuff we cant see that's expanding. The big mystery is the stuff we can't see.

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