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The leader of the opposition

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Does anyone else find the current Leader of The Opposition ineffective ??? He has no aggression, no fire in his belly and generally lacks enthusiasm. The Tories are getting away with murder and Milliband just fiddles while Rome burns.


Why not comment on the magnificent perfomance of VAT MAn and the Boy Blunder?

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The Labour Party is now run by a bunch of privileged, wishy washy middle-class southerners with a few token oiks thrown in to get the working-class vote out. Miliband has never had a proper job. Politics is now a career move - leave university, get a job working for a MP or a lobby group through family contacts, get a safe seat, etc. Miliband has never had to sweat. Few of them have had to. On top of that Miliband has little personality and charisma. Why the unions thought he would be any good is incomprehensible but then the other candidates were mainly along the same lines.


He is also though working against massive hostility to Labour caused by the Blair and Brown years. And with a coalition government in office it's no longer just PM versus leader of opposition. It's more cluttered and so he has less space. Being useless doesn't help him though.

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He's doing okay for a newbie considering so many of his party didn't want him as leader


No worse than Cameron was at the same stage in his leadership - the difference is that Cameron took over a party that had been in opposition for years, in desperate need of a change, and scored well in comparison with his predecessors and the tired old Government of the time whereas whatsisname has taken over a tired old party with too much in-fighting, a poor legacy to try to defend, and a new, enthusiastic government to try to oppose - I think he may end up as the Labour Party's William Hague - not quite good enough to be leader, but an able and effective Minister in a future Government

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Does anyone else find the current Leader of The Opposition ineffective ??? He has no aggression, no fire in his belly and generally lacks enthusiasm. The Tories are getting away with murder and Milliband just fiddles while Rome burns.


Politically the have a piece of tissue between them.

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