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Police Brutality vs Crowd Brutality

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Just come across this video and I'm not sure what I think about it.


One policeman seems to be heavy handed but if the 'offender' isn't complying with the policeman's demands then obviously he has to be forced into complying by whatever means are necessary. The doubt for me is in knowing if he was complying or not.

What do you think?

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There is a natural law, and that copper clearly deserved a kicking, he hit that man for no reason. Unfortunately the crowd got the wrong copper.


Yes, I noticed that the policeman who got the kicking was the one who told his colleague to ease off, in which case 'natural law' doesn't seem to work too well.

People have to realise that if you're under arrest and you resist then a policeman is entitled to use an amount of force necessary to force the offender to comply. The amount of force obviously differs in each case.

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People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.


George Orwell


The quote is actually:


PACIFIST: Those who 'abjure' violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf.




Orwell fought along side the anarchists against the fascist regime in the Spanish Civil War Harleyman. I think that is what he was referring to, not standing up for the police- have you read 1984?

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There does seem to be a violent element at virtually all protests, regardless of the nominal issue. Perhaps the time has come to ban these people from demostrating, like the very sucessful football banning orders. Have them report to their local police station whenever demostrations of more than 200 people take place, that sort of thing.


Then we would hopefully see decent non-violent protestors treated much better by riot police who would not be in reasonable fear of injury from the violent attacks by the usual suspects.

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Perhaps you missed the police setting up snipers on the roof of John Lewis just before the Lib Dem conference protests in Sheffield this year Andy? As I was walking through Sheffield towards the protest I heard a policeman say to a group of others that where they were stood was 'boring' and that they should 'go find some action'. This was at a peaceful protest full of families. Some riot police come looking for a fight too- it's what they get dressed up for.

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