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Police Brutality vs Crowd Brutality

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Perhaps you missed the police setting up snipers on the roof of John Lewis just before the Lib Dem conference protests in Sheffield this year Andy? As I was walking through Sheffield towards the protest I heard a policeman say to a group of others that where they were stood was 'boring' and that they should 'go find some action'. This was at a peaceful protest full of families. Some riot police come looking for a fight too- it's what they get dressed up for.


Well of course we all remember the "barkers pool massacre" where pregnant women and old men were gunned down mercilessly and the fountains ran red with blood due to Nick Cleggs merciless rooftop snipers picking off anyone with a plackard that suggested he was a bit of a sell out. We all of course also remember ravaging bands of riot police charging into any gathering of more than 3 people that weekend and beating them till they sicked up their inards while demanding they pledge loyalty to the coalition and kiss portraits of David Cameron and Nick Clegg.


If you're going to whine about police brutality in public order scenarios at least pick an occaision when they did something a bit violent.


Riot police have to prepare for violence precisely because of the professional protestors who travel round protests looking for a ruck with the police, if we curtail their ability to attend protests then policing costs will fall,t the PPE needed for the police will become less intimidating and genuine peaceful protest will be facilitated.


Remove the hardcore violent protestors and protests will be more orderly and pleasant for all concerned.

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