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Tarrot cards/tea leaves/fortune read

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Has anyone been to a fortune teller?


My friend went and the fortune teller who told her you will be given money by your ex-husband soon. Her reply was, no way because she already got her share from the divorce recently. However, the ex-husband died a few weeks later and he had her in his will.


Coincident or do they really know our future?


What is your experience?

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I've got a pack and a book that tells me how to read them. I've done a few reads with friends and have always been spot on. It helps to know the person you're talking to a bit so you can milk it somewhat, but if you can put your own understanding into how the cards link in to each other then you can formulate your own fortune from them.


I don't tend to read my own....legend says you don't get a true reading if you do that. Don't know if that's true or not.

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I would love to go to a fortune teller but I don't know any reputable ones. I don't want to waste my money on someone telling me a load of crap.


I'm also scared incase they could see something really bad was going to happen to you. Would they tell you? or would they keep quiet? To be honest I wouldn't want to hear anything bad.

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I have had my cards read a few times, unfortunately as classic points out - by people who know me. This can cause problems as they know certain situations you are in and can read the cards.


In some instances this can benefit - but it can also stop you from interpreting the cards incorrectly. The idea is to bypass the logical part of your head and tap into something else.


The cards I have had done so far, haven't told me anything great and haven't really come true in anything I can remember.


Of course I read tarot for people, it is always nice when I read for a complete stranger and they tell me it was a spot on reading. Can be quite freaky at times both for myself and customers.


The thing behind the not reading for yourself is generally realed out as somesort of mystic unwritten law. Which it isn't, it is just common sense. Unless you are fantastic and can completely remove yourself from your own life you are unlikely to geta true reading. Same problem in reading for friends.


and if you are starting witht he tarot, out the book out of reach for the first couple of weeks and run with your intuition with the cards, then check the 'set' meanings.



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Originally posted by steelblade

I would love to go to a fortune teller but I don't know any reputable ones. I don't want to waste my money on someone telling me a load of crap.


I'm also scared incase they could see something really bad was going to happen to you. Would they tell you? or would they keep quiet? To be honest I wouldn't want to hear anything bad.

I was told when I started NEVER to tell people about death or bad things.


Personally if you are paying your money it is up to you what you want to know. So I ask everyone before I read if they want to know the whole truth or not. Most people want to know regardless.



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If the fortune teller could see I was going to come to harm or something similar I would not want to know.


I just want to know the usual, will I meet Mr Right, if so a descritption etc..will I get married, get a good job.. I don't mind some bad things such as the person you're with is not right for you, you will get divorced etc...but nothing really bad.

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I've never had a Tarot reading, my fortune told, or anything else before, but would certainly be interested in giving it a go, if only to see how the process works. The trouble is, how does one tell the frauds from the genuine article, so to speak?

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