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Mr Fletcher, who was he?


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Mr Fletcher, who was he?


During the 60’s my dad was an unskilled worker, which meant he didn’t get paid much money. My parents still managed to pay the bills, and feed and clothe us four children though. Me mudda had her hands full with the housework, shopping and what have. On occasions when extra finance was needed for Christmas, birthday’s, some item for the household etc, mum would go out to do part time work.


Mum had cleaned for Mr Feinberg, a teacher at Carter Lodge School in Hackenthorpe, she also had a few months working in the kitchens at Sheffield University, and used to come home in the late evenings dog tired, then start to clear up after us young ‘uns.

Anyway, just for the sake of curiosity and nothing else, I am hoping one or two of you learned persons may be able to help, with info about a person my mum also cleaned for. I once went with her there when I was 11ish (46 years ago), and can only recall a few scant bits.


1. Mr Fletcher

2. Lived in Dore

3. He had a false arm (left) and wore a brown leather glove on his false hand

4. He drove a Rover car – modern at the time 1964-65ish. Possibly grey colour

5. His driveway was grassy with bushes and small trees on either side.

6. He had a small light brownish terrier dog called Pepper(?)

7. He may have been already retired at the time.

8. I think he had a few bob.


Thank you Zakesey.

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