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"Daddy bought me this, Daddy bought me that"

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I don't think it's anyones business what he was bought or what he was given or the wealth of his family.

You sound very bitter that someone has more than yourself.


spot on.


i really dont know what point the op is trying to make.


i dont think cameron has ever tried to hide the fact that he had a good upbringing but so what? Why should that make him and less good and/or qualified at performing his job. There is certainly no guarantee that if you made a man of the people with a humble background PM they would perform any better?

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spot on.


i really dont know what point the op is trying to make.


i dont think cameron has ever tried to hide the fact that he had a good upbringing but so what? Why should that make him and less good and/or qualified at performing his job. There is certainly no guarantee that if you made a man of the people with a humble background PM they would perform any better?


You are of course totally incorrect. Cameron has no insight whatsoever into the lives of ordinary people. He is simply a toffee nosed twit who only got where he was through his royal connections.

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In fairness I don't think Cameron has gloated over his good fortune to be born into a wealthy family, but imo politicians from which ever side could do themselves a big favour & empathise with those who find themselves at the bottom of the scrapheap.

Also you don't need to look to Westminster to find people with the 'Daddy bought me this/that' attitide, there are plenty wandering around Sheffield with an overblown sense of entitlement looking down their noses at others.


Far from boasting, Cameron does his best to cover up the fact that he is an Eton educated millionaire from a family of millionaires and married to an Earls daughter. Along with most of his colleagues and friends and associates.


His 'Man of the people' act is priceless and phoney. He can't empathise because he has no concept of life at the bottom of the heap. How could he have? He doesn't know anyone in that position. His aides make sure he never get close enough to them unless they have been carefully selected to say what he wants to hear.

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Cameron is unfit to govern because he has never had to aspire to anything under the normal pressures. He cannot empathise with people who have to work for a living.


I'm sure the pressure and worry over his disabled son were exactly the same sort of pressures a normal person would feel should they be in the same situation. I have no doubt, after that experience and all that it entails, he's got plenty of empathy with everyday people.


Everything was handed to him on a plate.


So anyone who happens to be wealthy should be excluded from the political process?


It is not being bitter , it is being realistic.


Who would you replace him with?

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Far from boasting, Cameron does his best to cover up the fact that he is an Eton educated millionaire from a family of millionaires and married to an Earls daughter. Along with most of his colleagues and friends and associates.


His 'Man of the people' act is priceless and phoney. He can't empathise because he has no concept of life at the bottom of the heap. How could he have? He doesn't know anyone in that position. His aides make sure he never get close enough to them unless they have been carefully selected to say what he wants to hear.


Exactly right. He is living a lie. The only people who will prosper under his leadership are his real friends the bankers who pull his strings.

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Cameron was almost prosecuted just a few years ago for expenses fraud. He escaped by the skin of his teeth when he handed some money back. Such are the ethics of our "beloved leader"

His mummy and daddy give him millions at birth and he still feels the need to extort even more money from the hard pressed taxpayer. It speaks volumes about who he really is and what he really stands for.

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Cameron would never have been PM if it was not for his family and connections.


Really ? I thought he was pm because he got more votes than anyone else. Unless you meanhe sent his rich goons to force people into ballot boxes under threat of death to make them vote Tory.


If that's the case that's pretty sinister !

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Really ? I thought he was pm because he got more votes than anyone else. Unless you meanhe sent his rich goons to force people into ballot boxes under threat of death to make them vote Tory.


If that's the case that's pretty sinister !



Have you taken some medication?:roll:

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