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"Daddy bought me this, Daddy bought me that"

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This guy is a proper tool. All they've done is slate Cameron as a person, not his government on anything specific.


Would you rather our PM was educated with no expense spared (and consequently comfortable in state/diplomatic occasions), or dragged up and educated in some awful S5 Secondary? Hardly a tough choice for the more forward thinking amongst us...

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Far from boasting, Cameron does his best to cover up the fact that he is an Eton educated millionaire from a family of millionaires and married to an Earls daughter. Along with most of his colleagues and friends and associates.


His 'Man of the people' act is priceless and phoney. He can't empathise because he has no concept of life at the bottom of the heap. How could he have? He doesn't know anyone in that position. His aides make sure he never get close enough to them unless they have been carefully selected to say what he wants to hear.


Are you suggesting that Cameron cannot be an effective Prime Minister because he hasn't experienced the problems endemic amongst those who earn least in society?


If so and if you had cancer, would you reject treatment by an oncologist who has not had cancer himself?

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This guy is a proper tool. All they've done is slate Cameron as a person, not his government on anything specific.


Would you rather our PM was educated with no expense spared (and consequently comfortable in state/diplomatic occasions), or dragged up and educated in some awful S5 Secondary? Hardly a tough choice for the more forward thinking amongst us...


Cameron is a product and instrument of the ruling classes. He will serve his class and nobody else. Only idiots do not realise that. I can see why you find it difficult to comprehend. :)

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Are you suggesting that Cameron cannot be an effective Prime Minister because he hasn't experienced the problems endemic amongst those who earn least in society?


If so and if you had cancer, would you reject treatment by an oncologist who has not had cancer himself?


That is a ridiculous argument as I am sure you know.

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This guy is a proper tool. All they've done is slate Cameron as a person, not his government on anything specific.


Would you rather our PM was educated with no expense spared (and consequently comfortable in state/diplomatic occasions), or dragged up and educated in some awful S5 Secondary? Hardly a tough choice for the more forward thinking amongst us...


I would sooner have someone who was well educated but from a non priveleged background. Someone who knows what it is like to have to get a job and a mortgage etc. Someone who understands real life rather than someone who was property speculating with taxpayers money like Cameron was .

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I would sooner have someone who was well educated but from a non priveleged background. Someone who knows what it is like to have to get a job and a mortgage etc. Someone who understands real life rather than someone who was property speculating with taxpayers money like Cameron was .


Don't think it would make a great deal of difference there Stepman, they'd still take there lead from others.

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Cameron is a product and instrument of the ruling classes. He will serve his class and nobody else. Only idiots do not realise that. I can see why you find it difficult to comprehend. :)
And only the paranoid and class-envious will believe it.
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