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Looking for Jack or Sara Hoe

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It is always a pleasure to be able to reunite people who have lost touch with each other, and I was delighted to learn that the Jack Hoe I found was the right one. No doubt he and his sister have a lot of catching up to do!


The "lovely story" that strider0114 referred to is another example of how the Internet can help people find each other. This erstwhile bachelor is now belatedly (and very happily) married at long last to his teenage sweetheart of the 1960s. But that, as they say, is another story...;)

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Hi smary - yes of course it's the address that matters, though it seems you were both looking at about the same time. Hillsboro is an expert at this and must have found a dozen or more people on behalf of forummers. I just wish those electoral roll CDs were still avalable! To my knowledge the 2004 one was the last one sold (at £50 each). The UK-Info people (who also run the 192.com site) perhaps decided the pay-to-view site would be more profitable.

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