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Are We Going Back To The Dark Ages..

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...............while the rich are getting richer and enjoying unprecedented wealth.


Lets face it these tv programmes presented by multi millionaire presenters telling us how to scrimp and save are just a little bit patronising are they not!!!


Swap energy companies to save money says Chris Hunhe, hang on a minute Chris are these companies not all charging pretty much the same inflated prices, I think they might be!!!


Supermarkets, come on Tesco, move into every small town and village in England, shut all the local shops down through the "one stop" conveniance of your "super"store and then inflate your prices by 50% so us peasants can barely afford to shop with you and maintain your £10m a day profits...............but the alternatives have closed down!!!


I've mentioned it on this forum before, forget Al Qaida this country is being destroyed by government backed GREED.

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Why not starve the oppressors and not give in to their services. As for the the rest of us, just spend what you can afford or need. As for going back to the dark ages, could that be the only way to save the planet and end the consumerism glut?

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Why not starve the oppressors and not give in to their services. As for the the rest of us, just spend what you can afford or need. As for going back to the dark ages, could that be the only way to save the planet and end the consumerism glut?


No man can do it all on his own, remember that. Some people think they can and are very lonely trying to make their way through life in such a manner.

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George Osborne is akin to the Sherriff of Nottingham,what we need is a Robin Hood and Campbell is like King John he doesn't know what the real world is like Why in this day and age should pensioners be worried about putting their heating on,40 yrs ago there wasn't a lot of money around but most people could stay warm and afford to cook good basic meals.

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They shouldn't. They get £250 a year to pay for the extra fuel costs in winter. If that isn't enough to cover the extra amount on the bill, something's very wrong.


It won't just be old people not putting the heating on this winter. There are a lot of people in dire straights, both working and non-working, who will have to choose between heating and food.


And it's going to get worse...

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Nothing at all to do with government backed greed, and nothing to do with whichever supermarket you wish to name.

People shop where they want, if WE wanted to keep the local shops open then no supermarket how ever big they are could stop us, the fact is, it is US ( you, me and everyone else )

that is closing the local shops, pubs etc down.

It is OUR greed that forces us to go to the supermarkets and buy the cheaper products and OUR laziness to shop around that makes us go and buy everything under one roof.

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Nothing at all to do with government backed greed, and nothing to do with whichever supermarket you wish to name.

People shop where they want, if WE wanted to keep the local shops open then no supermarket how ever big they are could stop us, the fact is, it is US ( you, me and everyone else )

that is closing the local shops, pubs etc down.

It is OUR greed that forces us to go to the supermarkets and buy the cheaper products and OUR laziness to shop around that makes us go and buy everything under one roof.


Not quite. Local shops such as greengrocers and butchers have a tendency to never be open in the evenings, supermarkets are. I work all day and don't get home until well after six, grocers/bakers/butchers are all closed so they don't get my custom. Maybe if local shops catered to their communities need better by say staying open late a couple of nights a week they would lose out on custom.



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Not quite. Local shops such as greengrocers and butchers have a tendency to never be open in the evenings, supermarkets are. I work all day and don't get home until well after six, grocers/bakers/butchers are all closed so they don't get my custom. Maybe if local shops catered to their communities need better by say staying open late a couple of nights a week they would lose out on custom.




Yes, there are those who work Monday to Saturday starting before most local shops open and not being able to access any local shops until they close again in the evening. It's a pity that they don't open Sundays to accomodate these people but alas, they do need time off just like the rest of us.

This however still can't be laid at the feet of "greedy government or greedy supermarkets"

Maybe you could pop round to a shop local to your work during the time your on here.

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It won't just be old people not putting the heating on this winter. There are a lot of people in dire straights, both working and non-working, who will have to choose between heating and food.


And it's going to get worse...


No there aren't, there are a lot of people who have got their priorities wrong and would rather spend their disposable income on luxuries such as mobile phone contracts and Sky TV subscriptions instead of food and fuel.


It's not the fault of the government or the energy companies if you're bad at budgeting!

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