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Operations how long do you have to wait?

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Hi all


My mum broke her wrist last thursday, she was seen at A&E xrayed, pot on but was told that the bones had not gone back properly. She then had to go on sunday to have the pot changed for a better one because the first one was put on wrong, she then had another xray and was told again that the bones were not in the correct place so she would have to have an operation, monday afternoon the doctor contacted my mum to say she had to come to the hand unit at the NGH, for 7am tuesday morning. I picked her up took her for 7am but by 10pm she was told that they did not have time to do the op can she come back tomorrow, again I got my mum there for 7am, by 9am my mum phoned me to pick her up, I went into see the nurse who was on duty to find out why my mum has been left so long without having the operation, this is what I was told, priority life threatening cases will always go first, (fair enough), but then we was told that my mum could be waiting weeks before she has it done, at what point do you draw the line in which an operation will become more difficult to do???

Has anyone else experienced this before and if so what did you do???

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