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North aint worth as much as the south

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Why. apart from marginally better weather (and that's debatable) would anybody want to live in the overcrowded south?


Give me 3 reasons.


That would rather depend on what you wanted from life. The South doesn't suffer from overcrowding everywhere for one thing. Much the same as other areas it has beauty. London teams with nightlife of all descriptions, a wealth of entertainment which includes a diverse amount of museums and galleries and a long list of other attractions.

If a reason for not living in the South revolves purely around prejudice then stay where you are you're not wanted.

Away from the City it's a personal choice as to what you like to surround yourself with it's no easier to pick three reasons to live there than it is to up sticks and shift North. People do it because they've seen something they like.

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Nah they're just ignorant sods, smile at one in passing and they look at you like you are a psycho axe killer


And it's all flat caps and whippets up North. You build an image don't you. I've met some great people in both, equally i've been confronted with unbelievable ignorance as well.

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I was joking, just trying to lighten things up.



I agree wherever you go in the world never mind the U.K. you will meet good and bad, friendly and indifferent folk. I just accept that and take people as I find them.


I didn't miss the humour :)


....but where North and South is concerned there's a lot of meat heads who know very little about either yet tend to shout the loudest.

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