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The funniest thing you've ever seen?

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On paying my nan a visit, I asked her why she had the tv volume turned up so high (it was booming, Ricky Lake was on) She explained that she was struggling to hear what Ricky Lake was saying because the audience was cheering.


Bless her.


Love it :D

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Many years ago we had a big Nov 5th bonnie in the back garden.

We had an old mattress to get rid of so I threw it on and waited until it was well and truly ablaze before stepping back.

To my horror the buckle of my belt had caught in a spring and I was attached to the burning mattress.

Friends and children couldn't believe their eyes as I suddenly whipped my trousers off whilst dancing upand down.

Had a laugh afterwards!


Lost the belt but saved my trousers

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My dad was just settling down to his breakfast one morning, then suddenly he sneezed, his arm hit the spoon in his bowl and cereal went flying all over the walls. Hillarious, especially for an 8 yr old :) still makes me giggle now.

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I used to work with a guy who was very short sighted. His mate used to pick him up at the newsagents around 5-30am. The short sighted guy would stand outside the newsagents , the mate would drive up, get out of the car and get a paper and the short sighted one would get in the car whilst he was in the shop. It was very early and dark and no conversation took place.


One dark morning the short sighted guy was a little late and saw the car that gave him a lift already parked outside the newsagents, so he quickly climbed in. The other guy then came out to his car and opened the door. The choice of language that the "mate" used served to confirm to the short sighted guy that he had actually climbed in the wrong car.:loopy:

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Oh god this has got me thinking now. Many years ago my son, Jamie, was at Meadowhall. He was waiting outside somewhere for his girlfriend. He was leant over resting his hands on his knees. He couldn't quite work out why everyone was laughing at him as they walked past. Then he looked behind him to see a cowboy on the bill board, that he was leant against, whooping and waving his hat. Jamie realised that the cowboy looked as though he was giving him one and quickly altered stance...

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As kids, me and my classmate sometimes walked around the lump (those of a certain age will now what I mean) for something to do. On this occasion we found a mucky, misshapen piece of old sponge (probably from an old seat cushion) and began kicking it to one another before continuing on our way. After a short while we'd walked full circle and were back where we started. Having seen the piece of old sponge before I did, My mate started running towards it. I almost pipped him to the post but just as I got there he drew his leg back and toe-ended a lump of stone which was sitting on someones grass verge. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I was once standing at a bus stop near a furniture shop that had a life-size pot dalmatian dog in the window. A man walked past with his dog who went absolutely berserk trying to attack the pot dog.

The other 2 people at the stop were laughing with me......BUT they got on their bus whilst I was still waiting for mine. Eventually a queue started to form behind me and I was still roaring with laughter and as no-one in the queue had seen the incident they probably thought I was crackers because I kept breaking into giggles to the point of tears every time I thought of it.

Probably the funniest thing I saw on TV was John Cleese belting seven bells out of his car with a tree branch.

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An old friend of mine threw his tv out of his room window, after an hour of frustration due to the tv changing channels and the volume mysteriously going up and down, when i saw the tv fly through the window i very nearly peed myself, it took me two years to tell him that the fault was all mine as i had the same model tv, and i stood outside his barrack room window using my remote to control his tv. To this day i still laugh out loud when i think about it.

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