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Child abuse in Madrassas.

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Just like the Islamophobes who refuse to condemn child abuse in the Catholic church? How many posts on here slag off Muslim abuse compared to how many slag off Christian abuse? So who's the aplogists?


I think all schools should be regulated by the state and all state schools with links to organised religion (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, whatever) should be disestablished or be made independent and have all state support withdrawn. All abusers of children should be prosecuted and not allowed to get off with impunity as has happened time after time thanks to official connivance in Christian organisations, including right up to the level of Pope.


Now, could the Islamophobes please condemn Christian abuse.


There seems to be a section of islam and christianity that cover up abuse. This has nothing to do with islamophobia or the Christian equivalent. This is to do with child abuse within a religious organisation, in this case islam.

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This is a thread about Islamic schools.... So why don't you talk about the thread topic if you want to talk about child abuse in churches start a new thread.


This is the problem you get with Muslims and any other religion for that matter. The problem with Muslims at the moment is they don't seem to want to choose UK law over sharia law and this is what's creating problems.

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Where did I say anywhere in my post that they are excusing child abuse?


They are here with their excuses. :roll:


This thread is about child abuse and, by the rules of the English language, in that context any excuses would assumed to have been about that subject.


If you weren't talking about excuses for child abuse, perhaps you could point out the posts defining any other contexts. If you can't do that, we'll have to assume you were referring to excuses for child abuse.

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This is the problem you get with Muslims and any other religion for that matter. The problem with Muslims at the moment is they don't seem to want to choose UK law over sharia law and this is what's creating problems.

I suggest you go and listen to the broadcast carefully if you think all Muslim's think like that.

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This is a thread about Islamic schools.... So why don't you talk about the thread topic if you want to talk about child abuse in churches start a new thread.


This is the problem you get with Muslims and any other religion for that matter. The problem with Muslims at the moment is they don't seem to want to choose UK law over sharia law and this is what's creating problems.


My Bold=


What a load of tosh, i don't wan't sharia law over UK law and you will find that most muslims are happy with UK law. :roll:

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They do it to slag off Muslims, not religion. It's racial not religious. If they were bothered about child abuse Christianity's not short of it.


Christianity gets it's fair share of criticism on here. It's no good claiming some sort of false victimhood just because you want Islam off limits.

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Christianity gets it's fair share of criticism on here. It's no good claiming some sort of false victimhood just because you want Islam off limits.


Christianity does get criticized on here. LeMaquis's point was that there are people on here that are happy to slag off Muslims when some Muslims do wrong but, given how upset the profess to be about particular issues, seem remarkably quiet when when it's Christians doing the same thing.

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I suggest you go and listen to the broadcast carefully if you think all Muslim's think like that.


I haven't and don't need to listen to the broadcast I no enough about the Muslim religion to put off talking to anyone who follows the barbaric religion. All people who follow religion need Locking up and throw away the key these books and fairytales were made up thousands of years ago people who follow religion are weak or brainwashed

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