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Child abuse in Madrassas.

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Your opinion is crap. The same rules apply.

You're simply trying to stir up trouble.


Throwing insults around again I see. How can you possibly argue that the same rules apply when corporal punishment is strictly outlawed, quite rightly, in other schools and child protection is so ridiculous to the extent that one cannot take photos of one's own children nor will staff apply suncream to young children? You're the one talking crap, as usual.

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No it isn't off limits, problem is that it will be perceived as another muslim bashing thread as always happens on muslim related threads.

I don't like nonces of any kind and if any Imam at the local mosque turned out to be abusing any of the children i can assure you the muslim community would turn on him.

Regardless of what race or religion you are i think everyone agrees that peadophiles are hated by everyone.


It is a shame that it is perceived as Muslim bashing. I don’t think the OP was Muslim bashing either. The OP was, in my opinion, reporting on what was happening in some Islamic schools, as per the BBC programme. Again, in my opinion, this [programme] was balanced. It even voiced the concerns of parents who were not happy about a teacher keeping his job. Indeed, their child does not go to that particular Islamic school anymore.

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Child abuse is wrong no one would deny this but it occurs in all facets of society i'm afraid. It is an evil act committed by evil men.


The issue here is not one of 'child abuse occurs in all areas of society', indeed it does and no one who is remotely sane would dispute that. The issue is that religious and political institutions seem to think that they are above the law and are all too frequently protected, there are heinous cover ups and conspiracies of silence that allow these situations to continue unabated. It's truly disgusting.:rant:

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Throwing insults around again I see. How can you possibly argue that the same rules apply when corporal punishment is strictly outlawed, quite rightly, in other schools and child protection is so ridiculous to the extent that one cannot take photos of one's own children nor will staff apply suncream to young children? You're the one talking crap, as usual.


What insult? I said the opinion was crap; nothing about the poster.

Perhaps leaning to read and understand would be a good idea before you post.


As for sun cream and photos, I can't help it if those schools are so paranoid about kiddie fiddlers, they darn't go with 20 yards of a kid.

That's their and the daft parent's faults.


I know that's the UK's standard at the moment, it's ruddy silly because it assumes guilt regardless. In here, it is assumed someone is innocent unless proven otherwise. I'm unsure where the UK went off course on that one.

If one of my charges falls over, I can wipe their injured knee without anyone thinking of asking me if I want to bonk the kid in question.

Perhaps the lack of religions allows people to think the worst about others.

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What insult? I said the opinion was crap; nothing about the poster.

Perhaps leaning to read and understand would be a good idea before you post.


As for sun cream and photos, I can't help it if those schools are so paranoid about kiddie fiddlers, they darn't go with 20 yards of a kid.

That's their and the daft parent's faults.


I know that's the UK's standard at the moment, it's ruddy silly because it assumes guilt regardless. In here, it is assumed someone is innocent unless proven otherwise. I'm unsure where the UK went off course on that one.

If one of my charges falls over, I can wipe their injured knee without anyone

thinking of asking me if I want to bonk the kid in question.

Perhaps the lack of religions allows people to think the worst about others.

Hmmm, calling someone's opinion crap is not an insult?


People without religion thinking the worst of others? That's ironic given that the worse cases of systematic and covered-up child abuse in recent years have been within religious communities. Perhaps if we all assumed the worst of those of religious persuasion then they wouldn't get away with it? Just a thought.


Interestingly, you refer to 'daft parents' (rather than Council and governmental edicts) at my son's leaving assembly at junior school we were not allowed to photograph the performance because 3 Y6 pupils' parents had refused to give their consent. All Muslim apparently so I was told off the record by a member of staff. What do you make of that?


Anyway, as usual you have had a whoosh moment. The point is in a climate of such extreme child protection measures, this kind of abuse is allowed to continue. Why is that? Are you deliberately obtuse or just stupid? It worries me that someone so intellectually lacking is responsible for educating young children.

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Hmmm, calling someone's opinion crap is not an insult?.


No. The say the poster was crap would be an insult but I attacked the post, not the poster.



People without religion thinking the worst of others? That's ironic given that the worse cases of systematic and covered-up child abuse in recent years have been within religious communities. Perhaps if we all assumed the worst of those of religious persuasion then they wouldn't get away with it? Just a thought..


The Catholic church, or the members of it that committed those crimes, were acting outside the rules laid down in 'book' religions. It was lack of religion by people pretending to be religious that caused the problem.



Interestingly, you refer to 'daft parents' (rather than Council and governmental edicts) at my son's leaving assembly at junior school we were not allowed to photograph the performance because 3 Y6 pupils' parents had refused to give their consent. All Muslim apparently so I was told off the record by a member of staff. What do you make of that?.


So you're saying the council and so on were forced to refuse photography by daft parents. Your point?

I have a camera and I take a snap or two out here. If I snap a kid, it's pretty much 100% sure that kid is from a religious family. The only time I've had to be covert in taking a photo is when I've spotted child abuse in the form of enforced begging. Not the act of a religious person.


I'll be happy to post a few of the photos if you wish.


Anyway, as usual you have had a whoosh moment. The point is in a climate of such extreme child protection measures, this kind of abuse is allowed to continue. Why is that? Are you deliberately obtuse or just stupid? It worries me that someone so intellectually lacking is responsible for educating young children.


I have a very rounded view of the world. If someone is a good person, I really have little care about their religious views. The general standard of spoken English in my school is extremely high so we tend to discuss a wide variety of topics rather than simply learn how to pronounce "The rain in Spain".

That covers a lot of ground including religion, religious tolerance and politics. That includes hate politics and the effects of such.

I never lead them to a given conclusion, just show them the results of such politics as seen in history. They decide for themselves.



Are you deliberately obtuse or just stupid? .


What was that first line regarding being insulting?

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