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People who obssess with jailed serial rapists and killers

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Do women (and men) who obssess with jailed serial rapists and killers, usually male, sending them gifts and love pledges, offering to marry or have sex with them, need psychiatric treatment?


Are they as bad as these sicko's, and also need locking up (and keeping away from our kids if working in children-related roles)?


Or as some would say, perhaps the victim's families, male and female - do such disturbed people (seemingly mostly women) need slapping senseless?

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Do women (and men) who obssess with jailed serial rapists and killers, usually male, sending them gifts and love pledges, offering to marry or have sex with them, need psychiatric treatment?


Are they as bad as these sicko's, and also need locking up (and keeping away from our kids if working in children-related roles)?


Or as some would say, perhaps the victim's families, male and female - do such disturbed people (seemingly mostly women) need slapping senseless?


Of course not. That'd be assault.

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My friend met a bloke online a couple of years ago, and they've met up a few times, not a serious relationship at all, but definitely a 'thing'. He told her he was 30, but when they met, he was in fact actually 49. She was ok with that, she liked him enough to let it go, shes 26.


But, the other week, he got arrested. For 2 rapes he committed in 1987 and 1989 http://www.kilburntimes.co.uk/news/man_charged_with_historical_wembley_rape_1_1085514 .


He got caught on DNA and isn't attempting to deny that he did it, but she insists that he didn't (crazy) and says she will wait for him until he is released, as she loves him, and he makes her feel 'safe' when shes with him :gag:.


I don't get it at all, but I guess when she feels that she knows him and she knew him before all this came to light, then it can be sort of understood, even though they only met up a few times, they have spoken every day for years. But these people who start a relationship with someone that they know to be a murderer or a rapist before they speak to them must just be sick.

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It's difficult to say.


As you are probably aware, I taught in a prison for some years.


The 'main' part of the prison houses 'ordinary' prisoners (including murderers.)


I was 'invited' (the terms of my contract required that I could not be required) to teach 'sex offenders'.


I accepted the invitation and it was an eye opener.


Many SOs are of (at least) average intelligence and (as I learned) they are acutely aware of how the rest of the world thinks of them.


On the first say that I taught an SO class, one of them asked me:


"What do you think we are? Are we (in your eyes) sub-human monsters? (a telling description.)


Easy answer: "I am not the judge who sentenced you, nor am I the jury which convicted you. I am the teacher who is paid to teach you. I'm not paid to think about what you did, but I am paid to assess what you do."


I lectured, they learned. They asked questions about what I had taught them, but they too (like me) are human beings and there was some 'ordinary' communication.


I'm not going to try to excuse their behaviour- I am convinced that sexual offenders (particularly those who commit offences against children) should be 'removed from society' for as long as they are a threat to society ...they should be given indeterminate sentences.


I realised that I knew (had encountered before) one of my students. I'd seen him perform as a juggerl/fire eater.


He said to me: "I was not convicted for a major offence against children - I never got that far. I committed a minor offence, but I'm glad they caught me then, before I did something really wrong. The programme is working and maybe they can fix me. If not, I'm better in here."


That shook me.


It's difficult (IMO) to make hard and fast rules. We (your government and those who run the prison service ... and they include a large number of highly-qualified specialist psychologists) do their best.


Most of the time they get it right. Sometimes they get it wrong - with dramatic results. It's up to the elected government to make the decisions, but what do you want them to do?

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