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Question Time - why are labour sending weak candidates to the show?

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NOw first of all, I think Gloria (who is on tonights show) is absolutely stunning. I also think that its is more pleasing on the eye to have a stunner rather than some balding middle aged man.




Over the last few weeks, all the candidates that labour have sent onto the show have been very weak, they seem incapable of answering any questions, don't appear to be able to connect with the common person and seem hopelessly out of their depth.


HOw can milliband hope to make any impact on the british public, when he sends candidates onto question time that are weak?

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The general British public doesn't watch Question Time and will never notice.



Those who are interested in politics, are unlikely to be taken in by clever oratory over good (at least, what they believe to be good) policies, so I'm not sure it really makes a lot of difference.

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love rat,


You have answered your own question, because she is a looker she is good to have on the telly.


Secondly - this is the calibre of NEW LIEbours Parliamentarians, not worth diddly squat as serious politicians. The Con/Dems are just as bad.





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Labour need to be sending candidates to the show that rattle the lib dems and the conservatives, for god sake its not that difficult to do.


On the economy they could either say


  • We intend to develop the economy by investing in manifacturing, growing small businesses etc..... etc...
  • WE intend to grow our economy by giving millions to europe, investing in the public sector etc..... etc...



Just say where you stand and how you intend to improve things, why be a clone of the conservatives and why not give a clear answer to any questions?


I'm sure John Smith was not like this

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