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Question Time - why are labour sending weak candidates to the show?

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Those who are interested in politics, are unlikely to be taken in by clever oratory over good (at least, what they believe to be good) policies,


Given how many people interested in politics fell for Tony Blair's schtick, I can only conclude with great sadness that the above statement is rubbish. :(

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They have lost their core voters.


It used to be the case that; my father was a miner and his father was a miner, and we all vote Labour.

Now it's a case of; I'm on the dole and the rest of me family is, and signing on is hard enough, I can't be bothered voting.


Like others, I disagree with a number of your topics but you are absolutely spot on here and it needs quoting for truth.


But, speaking about this thread in general - Labour were the masters of spin for decades. I don't believe for one second they're deliberately being weak. They have a cunning plan up their sleeves, mark my words.

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Although Tony Blair looking back was not the best prime minister.


I reckon he would have absolutely wiped the floor with any of tonights candidates, I reckon JOhn Prescot would as well.


Can anyone imagine if a 1983 Margaret Thatcher was on tonights panel?

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She's now a frontbench spokeswoman for Labour! Shadow Minister for Crime Prevention.


Ironic since she's clearly pinching a living.


Not sure if you remember back but it was even worse in the 80s under Michael Foot.


The Labour Party was a shambles then but that was due to irreconcilable political differences. As few of them have much in the way of politics now it's not the same. It's a lack of politics that's costing them these days. Can you imagine Labour having characters like Benn and Healey now? I'm not saying I agree with them but they did have politics. Foot was also a great politician if a useless leader. There were 57 brands of politics in Labour then, which tore them apart. Now there are none except "look respectable and don't upset anyone".

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But, speaking about this thread in general - Labour were the masters of spin for decades. I don't believe for one second they're deliberately being weak. They have a cunning plan up their sleeves, mark my words.
I don't believe for one second they've got any plan, other than -as a main political party- to keep it together and make it to the next elections, whenever these may be.


Considering their argumentative 'strength' and political 'make up' these days, the plan seems to be "ride out the Coalition": keep it as neutral as possible, let the Coalition make more enemies than them, that'll get them a landslide at the next elections.


Mark my words :D

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If my MP voted no for the public to have a vote on Europe, when they had said yes before been elected, I would never vote for them again. Liars should not be in Parliament.






None of the three parties went into the election promising an in/out vote on Europe.


So surely if they HAD voted for it then you would have had a right to complain?

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I don't believe for one second they've got any plan, other than -as a main political party- to keep it together and make it to the next elections, whenever these may be.


Considering their argumentative 'strength' and political 'make up' these days, the plan seems to be "ride out the Coalition": keep it as neutral as possible, let the Coalition make more enemies than them, that'll get them a landslide at the next elections.


Mark my words :D


I think you're right. Cameron may be a git but it didn't do Thatcher any harm for 10 years. People in traditional Labour areas will vote for Miliband but he's so wishy-washy people who vote pragmatically will vote for Cameron as at least they know what they're getting. And the effects of the Blair and Brown years won't be forgotten for a while.

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