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We're all in this together .. yeah, right!

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Surely that's perfectly normal? Do you expect the CEO of Hewlett Packard,for example,to be a software and hardware design engineer? Or the CEO of Ford to be an engine/boddywork/electrical/electronics designer? Could you run the company? These are genuine questions and I'm not being sarcastic or having a pop,just wondering what you expect from a CEO or what you think he should be able to do? Everbody's job in the company?


Good point....however.


I would expect a CEO to come to a company with at least a small amount of knowledge of what the dynamics are, and what the functions of the various Teams entail.


This particular CEO knew nothing pertaining to what the companies aims are, and came from a diametrically opposing professional background !


We work as a funded voluntary sector organisation, and are contracted on a year to year basis, so you can understand why employees working under this annual threat would be concerned at an extremely highly paid CEO coming into the equation under the circumstances!

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But the Directors and CEOs are the future of this country and it's economic prosperity. Without all their hard work and self sacrifice this country would be in a right mess. Please don't take away their pay rises and bonuses or they might all leave the country.






Pfffffffffff …. That’s another bottle of beer spilt on my keyboard.

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Not all Directors act in the best interest of the company, some act in the best interest of themselves.


"The directors of Phoenix Venture Holdings Ltd bought MG Rover, in Birmingham, for £10 in 2000 and paid themselves £40m in pay and pensions."


Sorry taxman was referring to the thousands of small business' that employ thousands of people.

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  • 3 years later...
Isnt it down to the poor to help themselves ? Why should the successful have to subsidize the poor. ?


Depends on your definition of successful - many get their positions through having the right connections & having a rich Mum & Dad. Meritocracy in Britain is decreasing, not increasing. And as inequality widens, who you know, not what you know will become ever more important.

People do help themselves from all classes, but you may not be aware that of a report by the Resolution Foundation for example, which shows that for many people in low paid jobs it is increasingly more difficult for people to improve their circumstances.



There are a small proportion of people on long term benefits, who are capable of work. But that doesn't sum up life for most people. I think rather than resort to simplistic homilies, it would be more worthwhile for you to engage with recent studies like the one above.

Edited by Mister M
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Depends on your definition of successful - many get their positions through having the right connections & having a rich Mum & Dad. Meritocracy in Britain is decreasing, not increasing. And as inequality widens, who you know, not what you know will become ever more important.

People do help themselves from all classes, but you may not be aware that of a report by the Resolution Foundation for example, which shows that for many people in low paid jobs it is increasingly more difficult for people to improve their circumstances.



There are a small proportion of people on long term benefits, who are capable of work. But that doesn't sum up life for most people. I think rather than resort to simplistic homilies, it would be more worthwhile for you to engage with recent studies like the one above.


They will be a minority, most successful people get there success from hard work.

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Isnt it down to the poor to help themselves ? Why should the successful have to subsidize the poor. ?


That's what you did isn't it Desmundo? I remember when you were on the dole, doing a bit of fiddle on the side. Now you're a successful entrepreneur with a portfolio of student lets. I bet you love listening to that Tony Bennett song whilst puffing on a knocked off fag and supping some bootleg booze.

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