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Libertarian Party

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What is it about minimal government intervention that you find so attractive? Let's say there were no NHS and no police and someone burgled you and shot you. What would be so appealling about that? Or a real free market where someone sold heroin to schoolchidren? You could go and live in Somalia if that's the kind of thing you want.


I'm interested in small gov. but not getting rid of taxation to fund the police. That'd just cause mayhem. On the N.H.S well I had a rd. to Damascus moment a few years ago when it occured to me that even people at the lower end of the income spectrum could afford health insurance...but only if they cut down on luxuries!

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In fact apart from abolishing the BBC, I agree with a lot of what the Libertarian party stands for.




What if theere was a govt. sponsored washing poweder that you quite liked? Would you be against abolishing that too? The BBC is a very socialist institution and anathema to indvidual freedoms. If the only way an unessential organisation can exist is by the use of state power and through throwing people in jail to fund it then it's got to go. The fact we might like it shouldn't be a consideration.

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I'm interested in small gov. but not getting rid of taxation to fund the police. That'd just cause mayhem. On the N.H.S well I had a rd. to Damascus moment a few years ago when it occured to me that even people at the lower end of the income spectrum could afford health insurance...but only if they cut down on luxuries!


Hmmmmm, we already pay health insurance. It's called NI and in terms of bang for buck it delivers very good health outcomes.


Private and semi-private systems are expensive. In Switzerland they have a system of private compulsory insurance and it costs about £600 a month for basic cover for a family of four, way way above what the average family pays in NI in the UK. The trade-off is even better health outcomes but boy do the Swiss pay for it. Got mates living over there now - £400 a month for an adult (with some add-ons like dental etc...)

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What if theere was a govt. sponsored washing poweder that you quite liked? Would you be against abolishing that too? The BBC is a very socialist institution and anathema to indvidual freedoms. If the only way an unessential organisation can exist is by the use of state power and through throwing people in jail to fund it then it's got to go. The fact we might like it shouldn't be a consideration.


Without the BBC our media would be totally dominated by the likes of Sky TV. Is that what you want? Wall to wall dross from right wing dominated corporates?


I see a theme developing here. Right wingers wanting every cherished national institution dismantled while an incredulous world looks on thinking we're mad.

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Out of interest how easy would it be to set up a new party that could challenge the existing two/three party regime?


Everything seems stacked against the smaller and new parties. The main ones have long established funding mechanisms providing funding at levels that are effectively a barrier to entry/progress for new/existing parties.


There is clearly a need for a mainstream genuine Liberal party. And a mainstream party that stands for workers in ways that Labour does not any more. And a conservative party that can feel completely comfortable opposing EU integration. These are all powerful forces in UK politics that are being supressed in favour of three parties that are basically indistinguishable and locked in to the corporatist (*) UK we now have.


How can new parties break through? How do the current main parties so effectively squeeze out others.


Edit: (*) just want to be clear I don't mean this in the conventional sense - I'm referring to a corporate elite in media, politics, finance, judiciary, police that form a series of overlapping & mutually reinforcing blocs that are serving to funnel wealth and power into a narrow group of elites. All the main parties are enmeshed into that now. It's why they all look so similar.


This is something ive been thinking about for a while. In all honesty, i think we may be better for the next couple of elections to vote for local independents whom we believe serve their electorate rather than the whips, big business and finance industry. Then maybe over time, the big 3 parties will see sense and review how they treat their electorate. Im probably dreaming too much though.

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However, in spite of the popularity of libertarian ideology online I have yet to come across anyone in real life who defines themselves as libertarian. It's an ideology that often appears to be living in a little internet bubble.


I'd define myself as fundemenatlly a libertarian but saying that the Free market is too wild and dangerous to be unleashed without some safeguards. So i'm wary of calling myself a Libertarian 'cause so many people just don't think about anyone who says they're a Libertarian as anything other than in favour of an unfettered Free market but on social issues then I'm very much a Libertarian.

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This is something ive been thinking about for a while. In all honesty, i think we may be better for the next couple of elections to vote for local independents whom we believe serve their electorate rather than the whips, big business and finance industry. Then maybe over time, the big 3 parties will see sense and review how they treat their electorate. Im probably dreaming too much though.


the problem is that even of they win local independents are virtually powerless to achieve and influence anything.

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This is something ive been thinking about for a while. In all honesty, i think we may be better for the next couple of elections to vote for local independents whom we believe serve their electorate rather than the whips, big business and finance industry. Then maybe over time, the big 3 parties will see sense and review how they treat their electorate. Im probably dreaming too much though.


I think there's zero chance the three main parties will change. None of them are getting my vote. I always voted Labour but it'll be some time before I do again.

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