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Legality of eating dogs in the UK

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Yes the sudden realisation that all that has gone before was essentially the wrong way to go about it. Self preservation doesn't have to be at the expense of animal kind does it?


Of course not.

I was speaking of mankind in ages past, when the situation was us or them.


We are now in the privileged position, where we can pick and choose.

The problem we have is this.

Do we, as civilised people, allow the world to die in order to support the ever growing population?

Or do we call a halt to our activities, and return to something a little better than the Stone Age?


For we cannot have successful modern humans, belching pollution and destroying all animal habitats, and successful unevolving animals, though fantastic to look at and observe, sharing it with us.


We must decide soon.

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This evolvement was designed by man it wasn't a natural occurence. We selectively bred the wolf and changed it's appearance.


Only in the last ten thousand years, or so, I think.

Before then it was side by side mutual respect.

Until humans gained the upper hand.

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Of course not.

I was speaking of mankind in ages past, when the situation was us or them.


We are now in the privileged position, where we can pick and choose.

The problem we have is this.

Do we, as civilised people, allow the world to die in order to support the ever growing population?

Or do we call a halt to our activities, and return to something a little better than the Stone Age?


For we cannot have successful modern humans, belching pollution and destroying all animal habitats, and successful unevolving animals, though fantastic to look at and observe, sharing it with us.


We must decide soon.


Sorry, before I jump in unecessarily. Are you saying that we can't share the planet here?

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Of course not.

I was speaking of mankind in ages past, when the situation was us or them.


We are now in the privileged position, where we can pick and choose.

The problem we have is this.

Do we, as civilised people, allow the world to die in order to support the ever growing population?

Or do we call a halt to our activities, and return to something a little better than the Stone Age?


For we cannot have successful modern humans, belching pollution and destroying all animal habitats, and successful unevolving animals, though fantastic to look at and observe, sharing it with us.


We must decide soon.

What right do humans have to make that decision? Our time on this planet is temporary, just like the lives of the animals we share it with. Human's don't own this planet, we're merely one of the many inhabitant of it. Self preservation is not a justification for some of the things we humans do. Human arrogance is the final plague that will devour this planet.
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