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Legality of eating dogs in the UK

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What right do humans have to make that decision? Our time on this planet is temporary, just like the lives of the animals we share it with. Human's don't own this planet, we're merely one of the many inhabitant of it. Self preservation is not a justification for some of the things we humans do. Human arrogance is the final plague that will devour this planet.


The right we have is that no other animal can make the decision.

With rights come responsiblilities, so it is our responsibility to make decisions on behalf of the animals which are unable to make those decisions for themselves.

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If we had no irrational preferences, there would be no conditions to consider.


There is a world of difference between irrational preferences and ethics. One may not have an issue with eating a certain meat but will only eat animals who are reared and ethically farmed, free range, killed as humanely as possible etc. Some people may refuse to eat halal meat for example, a decision informed about ritual killing and the method of slaughter but not because they do not have an irrational dislike of the meat of the animal from which it comes.

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The right we have is that no other animal can make the decision.

With rights come responsiblilities, so it is our responsibility to make decisions on behalf of the animals which are unable to make those decisions for themselves.

Being in a position where we have the right impose our will on animals doesn't give us the right to impose our will on them. Human arrogance isn't a justification.
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Being in a position where we have the right impose our will on animals doesn't give us the right to impose our will on them. Human arrogance isn't a justification.


So what do you do?

Allow animals to fend for themselves?

Billions of them would die in agony and starvation without human care.

The others would overrun themselves and starve.

This would be a poor planet indeed without our care of it.

The changes we have made can never be reversed as they date back at least 100,000 years.

And we have farmed for at least 10,000 of those.

We have changed this planet forever, and it can never go back.

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So what do you do?

Allow animals to fend for themselves?

Billions of them would die in agony and starvation without human care.

The others would overrun themselves and starve.

This would be a poor planet indeed without our care of it.

The changes we have made can never be reversed as they date back at least 100,000 years.

And we have farmed for at least 10,000 of those.

We have changed this planet forever, and it can never go back.


Whether they live or die is a matter for nature to decide not us. And i have to dispute the fact that we care.

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Whether they live or die is a matter for nature to decide not us. And i have to dispute the fact that we care.


Obviously you and me care and the others on this this thread, or we would not be talking about it would we?

So this must be magnified throughout the world, to many millions.


From a thread which began about eating dogs, this has become very interesting.

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So what do you do?

Allow animals to fend for themselves?

Billions of them would die in agony and starvation without human care.

The others would overrun themselves and starve.

This would be a poor planet indeed without our care of it.

The changes we have made can never be reversed as they date back at least 100,000 years.

And we have farmed for at least 10,000 of those.

We have changed this planet forever, and it can never go back.

All humans have done is upset the natural balance of things. No animal would suffer unnecessarily, no animal would be overrun, no animal would starve if humans stopped interfering with the natural balance of nature.
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So what do you do?

Allow animals to fend for themselves?

Billions of them would die in agony and starvation without human care.

The others would overrun themselves and starve.


Throughout the animal world there a examples of animals reacting to their surroundings, the lack of food and water. Breeding cycles are put on hold for these reasons so i find it hard to believe that any of the problems you've highlighted would arise. Few of them; certainly wild, need man to care for them, many would benefit greatly from our non existence. Initially there would be in imbalance but a period of adjusting to this new freedom would see the balance return.

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So what do you do?

Allow animals to fend for themselves?

Billions of them would die in agony and starvation without human care.

The others would overrun themselves and starve.

This would be a poor planet indeed without our care of it.

The changes we have made can never be reversed as they date back at least 100,000 years.

And we have farmed for at least 10,000 of those.

We have changed this planet forever, and it can never go back.


It is like you are making the human race out to be god like.


If we allow them to live will they worship us in the future?

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