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Legality of eating dogs in the UK

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Was going to post this on a new thread, but it's a grim topic, and somehow makes more sense to tag it on to this thread...


Saw something today on YouTube that utterly appalled me.


Apparently, there's a custom in China of eating dog meat; and often, family pets are stolen, and before they are killed these dogs are beaten and tortured, as that makes the meat more nourishing according to TCM.


Has to be said a lot of Chinese are strongly against the practice, and there have been instances of people getting caught and badly beaten up and publicly humiliated for stealing or killing dogs. That said, there are no laws to prevent animal cruelty in China, you're prefectly free to torture a dog to death on the street in China.

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Pretty sure you would be in serious trouble if you slaughtered them yourself.


nope if done humanely its legal, a friend put his own dog down with single 410 shot at the back of the head as it was very old and in pain, he checked beforehand with the police officer who lived next door.

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Let's unpack the topic. Try this categorisation of what is (1) or is not (2) generally accepted as being food for people:

1. Cows, sheep, chickens, turkeys, pigs, rabbits.

2. Horses, cats, dogs.


Judaism moves pigs and rabbits from 1 to 2. Islam does too, I think.

But Hinduism moves cows from 1 to 2.

So why inherently cannot any category 2 animal be moved into category 1?

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They are all animals, they are all meat, it is US that are bred to treat certain animals as pets and some as food, take insects, plenty of people around the world eat insects but the vast majority of us would baulk, i know i would lol

Going back to waldos post its the capture, treatment and death that is barbaric to us in this country, rather than the meat itself

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Going back to waldos post its the capture, treatment and death that is barbaric to us in this country, rather than the meat itself


Also, the Chinese don't have the same cultural development as we do here, and so they haven't formed the same relationship to dogs that we have.


If you're going to eat animals, you really have a duty of care, to treat the animal well, and slaughter it in a humane way. Intentionally beating an animal because you think it makes the meat better (for whatever spurious flakey belief you have) makes you one sick puppy in my book.

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