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Legality of eating dogs in the UK

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My point is- Carnivorous animals consume higher levels of cholesterol due to consuming the cholesterol of other animals, whether those animals are carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous.


And you claim that therefore the meat of carnivorous animals contains higher levels of cholesterol? Is that what you're claiming?

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Yes!! That's what I'm saying.


Hallelujah! we have a point that makes sense!


Seems possible I suppose. I guess there wouldn't be much info readily available about this, because studies will presumbaly have been done into the relative cholesterol levels of commonly consumed meats eg beef, lamb chicken, not cat, dog, tiger, eagle.


I prefer my wild theorising, which is a gut feeling that they will taste bad.

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I would not eat a dog, unless I was beginning to die of starvation.

Dogs have a special place in the history of humanity.

They evolved alongside us and have lived in our homes for thousands of years.

The dog became a hunting partner, and a defender of its masters.

No other animal does this.

The other animals have been bred by us, to be beasts of burden or specifically for food.


To me, at least, this makes dogs off the menu, in normal circumstances.

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Just to add my 2p in, I thought that saturated fat in the diet was the major factor in high cholesterol in humans not dietary cholesterol.


There is no difference in my opinion between any animal as a food sauce although thinking about what someone said about not eating carnivorous animals, Could this mean we are not really at the very top of the food chain?

Maybe we don't actually hunt carnivores because we are programmed not to hunt animals that could kill us.

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