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Legality of eating dogs in the UK

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Every animal on the planet, (save polar bears, because our paths hardly ever cross) is scared of Humans. . . . .
Most perhaps, not 'every'. There are plenty of animals that aren't scared of humans.


. . . . The animal kingdom today is entirely man made. .
That's as good a sweeping and incorrect generalisation as we'll ever find.
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Is it the beauty of being human, or is it the beauty of being one of the privileged few who will never be required to defend or fight for their fellow human beings?


I consider it a privelege to be one of the few good enough and brave enough to be chosen to defend humanity.

Soldiers and workers are the lifeblood of humanity, and should be rewarded as such.

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But isn't self preservation instinctive to all animals, even insects?.. with the exception of ants; the feisty little buggers.


I'd say humans are 'potentially' the most fearsome species there is, I say potentially because there's only a small minority of humans that pose a serious threat to other predatory animals, the rest of us are on the predatory animals food chain.


We're not predatory, we kill because we view other species as a danger or a threat to our existence or livelihood unless the animal in question is bred specifically as a food source.

Our meteoric rise to top of the chain has been achieved largely because of our capacity to invent along with sheer weight of numbers helped in no small part by our relationship with Wolves in the beginning.

The animal kingdom is not man made as suggested, it's what is left and the numbers of those are decreasing because what we have is still not enough.

Remove animals from the planet and it dies. Remove man from the planet and animals evolve and adapt.

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so we should eat all th estaffies, solving two problems at once.


You are OK eating most young dogs but if you eat old dog(Caninus lupus maximus) avoid the offal like livers and kidney due to the concentration of toxins.Scott(Antarctican)ate his dogs but the livers were toxic and caused acute nausea-they even cooked the dogs leather harnesses and leads,but that was worse than the dogs who were too tough from such an active life-style.Modern dogs are as fat as their owners and ripe for the stewpot-DO NOT ROAST.

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Most perhaps, not 'every'. There are plenty of animals that aren't scared of humans.


That's as good a sweeping and incorrect generalisation as we'll ever find.


You will find that there is hardly one area of this planet that has not been changed by mankind.

Even the great jungles have been changed by mans usage of them.

Thousands of years before our intensive farming of them.

Get out of the bike shop and into the library and read up on these things.

It amazing how you will find study broadens the mind.

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We're not predatory, we kill because we view other species as a danger or a threat to our existence or livelihood unless the animal in question is bred specifically as a food source.

Our meteoric rise to top of the chain has been achieved largely because of our capacity to invent along with sheer weight of numbers helped in no small part by our relationship with Wolves in the beginning.

The animal kingdom is not man made as suggested, it's what is left and the numbers of those are decreasing because what we have is still not enough.

Remove animals from the planet and it dies. Remove man from the planet and animals evolve and adapt.


Man is just an animal that has adapted and evolved.

As you say this was in many ways due to our parallel evolution with dogs.

We evolved from apes, they evolved from wolves.

They used our tactical skills, and we used their highly developed senses.

A win win situation.

That is why, as I said earlier, to eat them is almost canabilism.

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I consider it a privelege to be one of the few good enough and brave enough to be chosen to defend humanity.

Soldiers and workers are the lifeblood of humanity, and should be rewarded as such.

I'm sure the privileged few would consider you good enough also, just as they'll find anyone god enough of your class. If you were of their class I suspect that their view of you would be entirely different. The art of warfare isn't engineered to benefit the likes of you and I.
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You will find that there is hardly one area of this planet that has not been changed by mankind.

Even the great jungles have been changed by mans usage of them.

Thousands of years before our intensive farming of them.

Get out of the bike shop and into the library and read up on these things.

It amazing how you will find study broadens the mind.

I've done better than that, I've visited most environments and seen them for myself, as well a having read enough to know that man visiting a jungle, desert or ocean doesn't mean he's made it.

Not everywhere has been changed by man, nomatter how simplisticly one might try to view things.

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