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"Future of the Welfare State" with John Humphrys

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Since you clearly can't engage in any sensible discussion, I'll answer in my way, then yours...


typical gov answerso lets just tax the less well off and everythings fine . like i said some people are gullible

I neither work for the government, nor ever have.

typical gov answer so lets just tax the less well off and everythings fine . like i said some people are gullible

I'm not sure what your accountant is doing wrong, but my wages have increased slightly with the higher wage allowance. I feel for the 800,000 whose current wages will move into the highest bands. If I were you, I'd fire my accountant.

typical gov answer:huh: so lets just tax the less well off and everythings fine . like i said some people are gullible :hihi:

I am gullible? Well, you carry on running your business and if you decide to pay more than you should, then you are stupid. If your business grows due to your hard work, I'll be pleased that you pay 40% or 50% of your hard work to the government. :)




typical gov answer:huh: so lets just tax the less well off and everythings fine . like i said some people are gullible :hihi:

so you are happy paying 50% taxes of your hard earned money?!:huh: like i say, some people are stupid:hihi:





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The sad fact is that a certain number of people at the bottom are always going to screw the system for everything they can get, while they see the people at the top doing the same thing, only doing it a lot better.


Then there is a much larger group of people who are not going to get excited about the hypocrisy of one bunch of swindlers devising plans to stop a less effective bunch of swindlers, and seemingly not caring too much if they cause a lot of hardship for the deserving recipients of benefits in the squeeze.


The welfare system does need sorting out, but I feel - as I suspect a lot of people do - little enthusiasm for the scape-goating of those at the lower end of the social spectrum by the kind of hypocrites we get (Lib, Lab and Tory) in government who facilitate those implicated in the destruction of the economy to continue getting wealthier and wealthier through the same legalised swindling which has left the rest of us in worsening economic merde.


Unless and until we get a government which is prepared to tackle all the ills of society, without self interest and social prejudice, they are never going to get the widespread backing needed to implement effective social reforms.


I won't be holding my breathe!

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Since you clearly can't engage in any sensible discussion, I'll answer in my way, then yours...



I neither work for the government, nor ever have.


I'm not sure what your accountant is doing wrong, but my wages have increased slightly with the higher wage allowance. I feel for the 800,000 whose current wages will move into the highest bands. If I were you, I'd fire my accountant.


I am gullible? Well, you carry on running your business and if you decide to pay more than you should, then you are stupid. If your business grows due to your hard work, I'll be pleased that you pay 40% or 50% of your hard work to the government. :)





so you are happy paying 50% taxes of your hard earned money?!:huh: like i say, some people are stupid:hihi:





since its like talking to a brick wall talking to the likes of you who are happy to see the less well off suffer for the rich im wasting my breath . carry on being gullible and thinking the same way the gov love people like you. the protests which are happening around the world now show how the little people have had enough of being shat on. why arnt you behind them :huh:
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since its like talking to a brick wall talking to the likes of you who are happy to see the less well off suffer for the rich im wasting my breath . carry on being gullible and thinking the same way the gov love people like you. the protests which are happening around the world now show how the little people have had enough of being shat on. why arnt you behind them :huh:


Basically whilst there may be an argument for what you believe in, you haven't a clue.

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since its like talking to a brick wall talking to the likes of you who are happy to see the less well off suffer for the rich im wasting my breath . carry on being gullible and thinking the same way the gov love people like you. the protests which are happening around the world now show how the little people have had enough of being shat on. why arnt you behind them :huh:

You've asked me questions, and I have answered them all clearly and concisely. I'm not sure how that is talking to a brick wall.

since its like talking to a brick wall talking to the likes of you who are happy to see the less well off suffer for the rich im wasting my breath . carry on being gullible and thinking the same way the gov love people like you. the protests which are happening around the world now show how the little people have had enough of being shat on. why arnt you behind them :huh:

If you could post/answer things without constantly writing [poor] judgements about me (and others), it would be a much easier conversation.


And for the record, far from the government liking people like me, they would despise me if I got my foot in the door :D

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Eh? Can I have the name of your accountant?


Basic Tax: 20p in £

NI: 12%

Then VAT: 20% + Council Tax, + inflated fuel bills + TV licence, all paid for out of money you've already been taxed on! 20%+? Try 60%+.

i didnt want to go into everything but thanks for reminding me of how much less tax the rich will pay with their loopholes which only benefit them:thumbsup:
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