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Followed by an unmarked police car

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Well apart from walking around naked with a gun, there was no reason for anyone to suspect I was behaving in an unusual way.


I know that I was not a 'suspect' and that the police were not actively investigating anything because they told me this after I threatened to make a complaint.


They're working in the area to help cut down burglaries and other thefts. This, however, does not excuse their actions.


All told, they should have either stopped and spoken to me, or restrained themselves from following a lone person around in the dark.


Are you already "known to the police" ?

They are as you say actively acting in the area to cut down burglaries and thefts.

If you feel so strongly why didn't you make an official complaint ?

Are you male or female ?

I am trying to get a balanced view of the incident.

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Well apart from walking around naked with a gun, there was no reason for anyone to suspect I was behaving in an unusual way.


I know that I was not a 'suspect' and that the police were not actively investigating anything because they told me this after I threatened to make a complaint.

You didn't mention this earlier...


It seems unlikely that an unmarked car was cruising around in the area at night when not actively investigating anything.


They're working in the area to help cut down burglaries and other thefts.

So they are actively investigating...

This, however, does not excuse their actions.

I'm not sure they really need to excuse them...


All told, they should have either stopped and spoken to me, or restrained themselves from following a lone person around in the dark.

That really depends on what they were trying to achieve doesn't it. If they suspected that you were casing houses then identifying themselves would guarantee that you weren't going to be caught wouldn't it!

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If you are followed by a strange car - big deal! There is no law in the UK (or where I live) which prohibits anybody from driving down a public highway (Or, for that matter, from driving down a public road.)


If you would like to have the law changed, please tell us why?


And just where have I implied I would like the law changed?. Have I said there is any law that prohibits any car driving down any road NO I havent

Anybody alone at night and being followed by a car that passed you did a u turn and then followed you again and again and did this for 15 minutes would surely wonder who it was and what they wanted, so don't try and tell me otherwise. As said in a previous post had it been someones wife or daughter being followed what would the reaction be then.

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Do you think that people that are about to commit crimes wear a big sign advising the police that this is the case?


As I see it then its much the same as anybody driving around in a car about to carry out a crime, would they advertise with a sign in the car window stating, Im going to mug or rape you so watch out. The op was worried who it was in the car acting in a manner that was alarming and that was the concern they had.

I think theres been too many attacks in Sheffield lately for people not to be wary.

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Have you changed identity? Was alas_alas not the OP?


I assume your replying to my post 65 above, if so, are you taking HAPPY PILLS and on a bit of a high and not taking things in properly,

read posts 39 and 46 to which the reply was for.

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As I see it then its much the same as anybody driving around in a car about to carry out a crime, would they advertise with a sign in the car window stating, Im going to mug or rape you so watch out. The op was worried who it was in the car acting in a manner that was alarming and that was the concern they had.

I think theres been too many attacks in Sheffield lately for people not to be wary.


Nobody has argued that the OP shouldn't have been concerned.

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