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"French" told: All aboard the jobs train to Britain.

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There aren't many jewish people left either.



Saw 2 in town last month, but according to Halibut unless i hear them speak,which i didnt, i wouldnt be able to recognise them.Maybe they where muslims, as they had long beards and probably just put the wrong hat on.

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What is happening here is the Euro-federalists are actively encouraging movement of people around the Eu; they want French people commuting to work in England, and Germans into Italy etc, to be as natural and easy as people commuting to Leeds from Sheffield, in the hope that over time the psycological borders, as well as the actual borders between EU countries will disappear, and the European Union will finally start to look, feel and smell like a single entity.
You do realise Continent <-> UK worker migration has been going on for well over 20 years, if not longer, right?


And that there haven't been any physical borders between most of the Western EU countries since Maastricht? (except when periodically manned for "War on Terror" purposes, in recent years)

You could recognise them too, as there are very,very few black people in poland.My polish friend told me that she has not seen a black person in poland for 20 yrs.Until coming here never even met a asian person.
But you are on about France and the UK. Both of which had african colonies, slavery, etc. for centuries.


Poland doesn't have a colonial past. Didn't have black slaves (so far as I know). So, no historical/cultural reasons why black people would live/move there.


Do you ever bother to try and think longer than the end of your nose, TC?


FWIW, many, many Poles are quite racist as well (broad brush alert, I know, but I knew a lot of them when I lived in Dublin). More so that the Irish, who are worse than the Brits and French put together, let me tell you :rolleyes:

Sounds scary.
And you just wait 'til they get started with your jobs and your wimmin' :hihi:
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You do realise Continent <-> UK worker migration has been going on for well over 20 years, if not longer, right?


And that there haven't been any physical borders between most of the Western EU countries since Maastricht? (except when periodically manned for "War on Terror" purposes, in recent years)


I am aware of all that, but its just not happening is it? not enough anyway, so movement of people (other than the highly skilled, who could travel anyway, and the-one-way-street of east european's into western Europe) around the EU is now being strongly encouraged and stimulated.

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You do realise Continent <-> UK worker migration has been going on for well over 20 years, if not longer, right?


And that there haven't been any physical borders between most of the Western EU countries since Maastricht? (except when periodically manned for "War on Terror" purposes, in recent years)But you are on about France and the UK. Both of which had african colonies, slavery, etc. for centuries.


Poland doesn't have a colonial past. Didn't have black slaves (so far as I know). So, no historical/cultural reasons why black people would live/move there.


Do you ever bother to try and think longer than the end of your nose, TC?


FWIW, many, many Poles are quite racist as well (broad brush alert, I know, but I knew a lot of them when I lived in Dublin). More so that the Irish, who are worse than the Brits and French put together, let me tell you :rolleyes:

And you just wait 'til they get started with your jobs and your wimmin' :hihi:


As well as what?me?

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I am aware of all that, but its just not happening is it?
Eh? It's been happening for decades, since well before the EU did away with borders!


I've been doing exactly that since 1989. Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, the UK, Ireland. Lived and worked in all of these, in many different fields (construction, IT, legal services).


And I have a ton of friends and acquaintances of many different nationalities (mostly western EU, few eastern EU) who have done, and keep doing, exactly the same.


It's commonly referred to as a the 'brain drain' on the Continent, and has been for donkeys' years. You get a world class education, but no job prospects = jet off to Blighty first chance you get, to bootstrap a career, then stay or move on.


And that's saying nothing of the multinationals who regularly move staff about between implantation sites in various EU member states.


And nothing either about 'border commuters' (e.g. Northern France <-> Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg; Eastern France <-> Germany, Switzerland; Northern Italy <-> Austria; etc, etc. the list is as long as there are miles of 'borders' in the EU) that has been going on for decades longer (when there were still fully-enforced and -manned borders).


All I'm seeing is mindless xenophobism. Unsurprising, really, since there is a very close correlation between intellectual aptitude and breadth of mind.

As well as what?me?
It's a figure of speech, TC.


But it is quite funny/ironical that, in all of my post, that's the only thing you seem bothered about (when it didn't concern you in the least).

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Only thing we can do is get out of Europe and theres not much chance of that now our democracy loving polititions have scuppered what the people wanted.


Im not voting again, I have had enough of the whole lying lot of them. They are always talking it big about democracy when it comes to other countries (countries that we want oil trade with) but when it comes to listening to the people that actually elect them, well thats a different matter.


Im joining any protest that is going to be a pain in the backside from now on because voting and democracy isnt worth the space it takes up in the dictionary.


Don't vote or protest vote.

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There is no future for the human race unless we accept that we have to share the world's resources...Its time to move on and start acting like grown ups..or we're all doomed..It doesn't work like that though. The rich, of whatever race, have more than their fair share and screw the rest of us...

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There is no future for the human race unless we accept that we have to share the world's resources...Its time to move on and start acting like grown ups..or we're all doomed..It doesn't work like that though. The rich, of whatever race, have more than their fair share and screw the rest of us...
Yes I too hate the Tories :(
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