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Help For Heroes..

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Im not anti charity and I think Help For Heroes is a good cause but of all the charities out there I think this one is the most ridiculous! It just shouldn't exist!


How can a government send its army to war and not provide adequate support, both financial and psychological, when the soldiers get wounded or killed?!


Support should be available for the families and the individuals concerned. If an individual is prepared to give their life for a cause, the government should be prepared to pay up when things go wrong, particularly when we keep hearing stories about soldiers not having enough supplies when at war, and constant spending cuts within the armed forces.


Out of all the charities, I find it really difficult to donate to Help For Heroes, despite the good it provides, purely because it is taking the pressure of the government!



While I can see this point of view, I would sooner give to help the heroes because I know that THIS government do not take proper care of our soldiers and their families when it is most needed. I would sooner wrestle my conscience than see them go without.

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my 20yr old nephew is being posted to afganistan in march and i am so worried about him, but like the OP has said , we shouldnt be paying for stuff for them, the goverment should, its their HUMAN RIGHTS to be kept safe and looked after properly whilst fighting wars that we shouldnt even be involved with, the goverment are too bothered about the human rights of people they dont even know the real name and country of origin of who come to this country and bleed us dry, use that money for safety gear, food and weapons etc for the wonderful guys and gals who deserve it, :rant:


Do you not see the irony of what you've written? People who come to this country do not come as part of an invading army and they don't bleed us dry. If we'd been bled dry where would the money for your nephew's posting come from? He didn't have to join the army. We've been in Afghanistan since he was 10 so he must have known.

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Do you not see the irony of what you've written? People who come to this country do not come as part of an invading army and they don't bleed us dry. If we'd been bled dry where would the money for your nephew's posting come from? He didn't have to join the army. We've been in Afghanistan since he was 10 so he must have known.

Why can't you have an inward look and stop posting insensitive tripe.
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While I can see this point of view, I would sooner give to help the heroes because I know that THIS government do not take proper care of our soldiers and their families when it is most needed. I would sooner wrestle my conscience than see them go without.

Well said.:thumbsup:

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I've donate to HFH by sponsoring people but I agree we shoudln't have to, the government should look after soldiers, I believe it's what the general public would want.


The way ex service personel are treated in the UK is shamefull compared to countries like the US and Canada where they are genuinely treated like the heros they are.

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I've donate to HFH by sponsoring people but I agree we shoudln't have to, the government should look after soldiers, I believe it's what the general public would want.


The way ex service personel are treated in the UK is shamefull compared to countries like the US and Canada where they are genuinely treated like the heros they are.


Very true and well said.

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Im not anti charity and I think Help For Heroes is a good cause but of all the charities out there I think this one is the most ridiculous! It just shouldn't exist!


How can a government send its army to war and not provide adequate support, both financial and psychological, when the soldiers get wounded or killed?!


Support should be available for the families and the individuals concerned. If an individual is prepared to give their life for a cause, the government should be prepared to pay up when things go wrong, particularly when we keep hearing stories about soldiers not having enough supplies when at war, and constant spending cuts within the armed forces.


Out of all the charities, I find it really difficult to donate to Help For Heroes, despite the good it provides, purely because it is taking the pressure of the government!


People join the arm, hopefully, knowing that they may have to be shot at and need to know that they might need to shoot at other people. If you don't likle it, why join up to it. Wether they like it or not the could be killed or maimed but that goes with the job. The same applies to the police force, they know what the problems could be.

The hero is someone who has no training but will attack someone who tries to take what the are not entitled to like robbery and other offences to defend or help the prublic.

The armed forces know what they are letting themselves in for, if they had more brains they would think more about their family but thank god for no brainers.

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