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Has nobody seen the idea of relaxed drinking hours???


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i know its now a very overdone and very boring subject on here, but nobody seems to have seen the major upside to the relaxed drinking hours.


after the honeymoon period, and people get it out of there system, i really hope that we end up (albeit in a few years) with the attitude to 'going out' that you get in europe and the continent. it will be so nice to not go out until 10pm, have a few beers, glasses of wine, and maybe get some food at midnight!!


this might have a knock on effect on how some of us drink when we are on holiday?


it will take some time, but eventually, trying to cram in as much booze as possible before a bell rings will be a thing of the past.


lets see what happens...

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I hope it goes that way too. And it should sort out the media-created problem that is 'binge drinking'. The Daily Mail believe that extended pub opening hours will actually bring about the end of the world, I disagree. After all, if binge-drinking can be defined as drinking large quantities of alcohol in a short space of time, then removing the 'short space of time' from the equation is surely going to help? I do hope so.

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I remember a similar situation not long back when they started televising the house of commons, and how it caused such a ruccus in the media.....and now who give's a 2nd thought about it.

That's what's going to happen now with the extended pub hours given time.

The problem with this country is that whenever we try anything new that other counrty's have been doing for years you can always garantee that politicians and the media will pull us down for it.:loopy:



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Originally posted by hotphil

I hope it goes that way too. And it should sort out the media-created problem that is 'binge drinking'. The Daily Mail believe that extended pub opening hours will actually bring about the end of the world, I disagree. After all, if binge-drinking can be defined as drinking large quantities of alcohol in a short space of time, then removing the 'short space of time' from the equation is surely going to help? I do hope so.


Sure, but then I disagree with most things that the Daily Mail has to say :gag:

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I've always been completely in favour of extending the hours and the argument at the top of this thread was one that I regularly made. I think people who retain the ability to make up their own minds (as opposed to those who watch toomuch telly)can see that this will in the long term be a beneficial thing to society.


Of course there will always be drunks and ar$eh0le$ - they exist in every country - but extending the licencing hours won't suddenly imbue them with the ability to get more drunk (if someone is staggering around at 10pm I doubt they'd still be up and about - and drinking - at 2am).


I for one will be raising a glass to the goverment's courage on this matter at some point past midnight in a bar soon!


- my goodness- it's snowing outside!

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