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Do you believe your future is set?

Do you believe your future is set?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe your future is set?

    • Yes of course it is
    • No, my future is in my hands

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Originally posted by halevan

Life is a succession of dilemas, shall I do this or that and it depends what we choose where we go in life, so it is not fate but ourselves that guide us on the way.

But it could be said that the decisions we make are fate also. It could be fate that you don't believe in fate so you decide to do something radicle. There's no way you can either prove or disprove fate.

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Originally posted by Fletch

Ying did tarat cards and was told she would get married very soon!!!

so guys be carefull Ying's on the prowl and shes a mean one too


she beat up Jamie *gasp*


Yeah ... that's right Fletch !!! ... she shoved me and knocked me flyinging in to the crisp bowl .... and then kept battering me with cushions all night ... got a violent streak that one !!!




I like interdependence ... it's fun !!


Another interesting concept ... is to have control over where you focus your attention. Think 'magnifying glass' ... whatever is in the focus of your attention increases ...


I kinda link this to the 'assembleage point' idea discussed in the carlos casteneda books.


On the subject of is your future set ... here goes:


I believe each of us is a 'manifest expression' of the totality of existance (and non-existance) ... the unnameable all and nothing.


We are each of us like the waves on the surface of the ocean ... insignificant expressions of something more vast and profound ... the ocean herself.




So is the future set !? ... here's an analogy for you ...


Consider yourself to be driftwood floating downstream ... if you do nothing the river will take you where it will ... it takes energy and intent to change the course of your life.


Of course ... you need to choose wisely (or feel) where you focus your energies ... and some courses of action will yield better results than others.

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Originally posted by Jamie

Consider yourself to be driftwood floating downstream ... if you do nothing the river will take you where it will ... it takes energy and intent to change the course of your life.


and you can expend all the energy you want but you willl still end up in the sea :)

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hehe ... of course !! ... all rivers flow to the sea ... but you can change things within the scope of this lifetime's journey ... and maybe behond ....


i would say this ... sometimes it is best to do nothing ... just wait and listen to the sound of the ocean.


however ... this is most difficult to do and i find myself expending energy on projects left right and center ... and v often they don't come to fruition *sniffles*.


i think the skill is very much in *feeling* when to act and when not to act ...

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IMHO, of course the future isn't set. When will people just accept that we're simply just another evolved species living on this planet - nothing special. Theres no God, theres no fate, theres just life and death.

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the idea of your future being set is an odd one because we cant find out can we??


tommorrow ypu could try and suprise you future, instead of having break fast, not have breakfast, but has your future already said you will do that???


Its impossible to find out, you could try and change you future as much as you like but there is always another thing to do once you have done something, is this because of chance or has your future set it up??

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Originally posted by t020

Of course the future isn't set. When will people just accept that we're simply just another evolved species living on this planet - nothing special. Theres no God, theres no fate, theres just life and death.

Nobody had brought God into this until you just did. Why should fate have anything to do with God? If the universe started all over again with exactly the same constraints and parameters do you not think time up until now would happen in exactly the same way? If not how can you prove that it wouldn't?


I was watching Horizon a few weeks back, which was about time travel. It said that technology is now getting so good that in a few years time we will be able to simulate Earth's history. If we ever do this, then it becomes highly likely that our existance is merely that of a simulation of the past of a more advanced mankind. If this is true then fate is almost certainly reality.

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Originally posted by t020

Of course the future isn't set. When will people just accept that we're simply just another evolved species living on this planet - nothing special. Theres no God, theres no fate, theres just life and death.


t020, nothing is set in concrete, you really should keep an open mind. Remember, it was people like you who once said the world is flat and would brook no argument.


You really must learn to preface your remarks with In my opinion. It would make life a lot nicer and you wouldn't upset as many people as you do, in my opinion.:)

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Originally posted by Max

t020, nothing is set in concrete, you really should keep an open mind. Remember, it was people like you who once said the world is flat and would brook no argument.


You really must learn to preface your remarks with In my opinion. It would make life a lot nicer and you wouldn't upset as many people as you do, in my opinion.


Done (see last post, edited, above), just for you max!

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