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How would a war with Germany look in 2012?

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As Germany will be the main player in Europe (and they should be) I can see them forcing the UK to follow policys that will ruin the country


Why would they want to damage themselves? The UK is a major import and export market for Germany; if they ruin us, it won't be, because we'll have no money and nothing for them to buy.

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There may well be an economic war, as there always has been.

But to even consider a war of occupation is ludicrous.

What purpose would it serve?

To occupy a country costs money, big time.

Besides we all united at present against a common enemy, which is far greater than petty arguments between several united, but sovereign nations.

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OK, so the Germans are sabre rattling again and up to there old tricks. The French are at this very moment in time manifacturing white hankys ready for then the Germans cross the border.


But hang on - would we be subject to air raids or war in the trenches?


I don't think so, in fact I believe a war with Germany would involve not a single loss of live on there side, here is what I beleive would happen


1) deals would be done with Russia, so that the gas supply is turned off.


2) Germany would send all there criminals, rapists and murderers iinto Dover and we would have to house them, crippling our finances. France would be ordered to do the same (or risk an invasion), and France would be ordered to send workers accross the channel to take jobs in the south east of the country.

3) Employment laws would be passed, that our leaders would follow to the letter of the law, crippling our industrys and leaving millions out of work. The French would ignore the rules (or pick the rules that suit them).4) Laws would be passed to cripple our farming industrys, making us reliant on foregn farmers for our food.

5) If our political leaders accept all of the above, they will be rewarded with fantastic pensions and payoffs NOt a single bullet needs to be fired from the Germans




90% of the post has been put into action already.





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60 odd years ago rang, they want their war back :D


After WWII they said "never again", and they always will.

There will never again be a war with Germany,speak to the ordinary German people besides that they are not equipped, the present German mindset is horrified at the thought of it never mind take any action,the vast majority are still trying to apologise for the last war.
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It would be a war of boat people. The UK would send boatloads of it's asylum seekers to Germany. The Germans would retaliate by sending all their perverts and cross dressers from the night clubs of Berlin and Hamburg. The UK would counter attack with hundreds of boatloads of unemployed chavs. The Germans respond with boatloads of ugly hairy, fat sausage eating fraus and frauleins.

The French would act as referees.

Whoever ended up with the largest number of the other's unwanted misfits would be declared the loser

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